Vote Sexy: One More Round of Jizzie for eSouth Africa!

Day 500, 11:20 Published in South Africa Sweden by Jizzie McGuire

Greetings my friends. I come to you as your president to speak of what we have achieved this past month and what we will achieve if you elect me to serve you for one more month. It has been a joy and a privilege to serve as your president this term and I would be greatly honored to have your votes and your trust to serve you once again so that I can finish the work I have begun. So what exactly has my administration done and what will it do in the coming month? Here is a summary. Please excuse my long-windedness.

For those of you who don’t know me, I am Jizzie McGuire, the current president of eSouth Africa. I was e-born in Kimberly (now Indo-occupied) in July of 2008, just in time to be caught up in the Indo War which resulted in the occupation of half of eSA . Along with four friends who are no longer active, I helped found the BLF, Bong Belly and eSA’s first cooperative, Pax Africana. However, the Indos overran my home and after nearly 2 weeks in Indo custody (I had become somewhat of a public enemy because of my comments to them), I was rescued by BLF co-founder Deus Ex. In free eSA, I have continued my work at Bong Belly and for the BLF, but have also fought for eSA against the Croatian Zockyists, the Theocrats, and other invaders and threats to our country without cease. The only time I have ever left was to fight with Kiwifire1 against the Indos and their allies wherever we could find them, much as the paras do today. Ever since my birth, I have never wavered in my devotion to eSouth Africa and have never once considered saying farewell or giving up my citizenship to this great country.

I have always believed that unity, national security and economic prosperity are the keys to South Africa's health and welfare. To those ends, I began my administration by appointing individuals from various parties to cabinet posts, based on their abilities and experience. I appointed a cool and able Minister of Security in Rico Suave (how can he not be cool with a name like that) to oversee the activities of the Departments of Defense and Intel, headed by Brendan E Austerion and Ryan Dagari, respectively. I have supported Suave's excellent work in providing for the needs of the paratroops while guiding the crucial but sometimes controversial investigations of Mr. Dagari. To prevent further internal schism and conflict, I also had Mr. Dagari's agency focus on external enemies rather than internal ones initially - that is, until the Brazilian PTO attempt which I will also discuss. As president, I will ask that all three individuals remain in their posts and will continue to support to the best of my ability to fund and aid our military forces and intelligence agencies. I will also do what I can to support the efforts of and work more closely with individuals like Boere Generaal who has been seeking out and setting up arms deals that have kept our soldiers equipped and battle-ready.

Another key cabinet post was that of Public Affairs, to which I appointed the Angel Gabriel Borien. I feel that employment, education and wellness are just as important as the military is in making our country strong and respected. I knew Gabriel was the perfect choice and he has not disappointed. During my administration, Gabriel’s departments trained and employed over 36 citizens, produced over 150 units of food and answered over 250 questions. I intend to keep Mr. Borien on the job and will continue to prioritize his work and that of his ministry. My offer to assist Lucien Morjuet and the eSAHC also remains in effect should that company ever find itself in need of funding.

During my last campaign, I also promised to re-evaluate the Constitution and make the government more efficient. I did this immediately upon taking over the presidency by appointing Peter Banko as Minister of Justice and gave him the task of setting up a committee to examine and possibly alter a Constitution which had caused confusion and internal strife. Mr. Banko took to his job with relish and worked closely with me in picking his committee and deciding which areas of the document needed most work. Unfortunately, a lack of input slowed down Mr. Banko’s work, but his persistence has brought some progress and attention to issues that had previously been unaddressed. I had hoped to see the new document voted on and ratified before my term was over, but it appears that this process may continue into the next presidential term. I would like to keep working with Mr. Banko in his current capacity if he wishes to continue (otherwise he can have another cabinet post), and will not neglect what needs to be done with our current Constitution.

Part of my plan to make government more efficient was to eliminate redundant cabinet posts and make the existing ones more efficient. This experiment had mixed results, however, so for my next term, I will re-evaluate the work of cabinet posts, both past and present, so that I can refine the government to its optimum efficiency. Confusing new posts like the Chief of Staff (most ministers reported directly to me anyway) will be discarded and the powers invested in the Vice President (currently held by Bazti, who I also intend to appoint to VP again, if re-elected). I am also planning on bringing back the Ministry of Minerals and Resources, which will work closely with the Finance Ministry to coordinate the means to bring in more raw materials into our country. I will retain members of my cabinet who have done well, keeping them in their positions should they desire to remain, but during my next term, I intend to shake up and put an even greater focus on foreign affairs.

I began my last term by sending letters of congratulations to several new presidents around the world, offering them friendship and asking for support in our endeavors to free occupied South Africa. I was met by many positive responses, which I hoped to cultivate with our ambassadors and through continued communication. While many countries offered promises and words, however, only Spain has consistently followed through with offers of support and alliance. Unfortunately, because of a lack of gold and a donation bug, I have been unable to pursue this (although this may change, as the admins have finally responded to my request to fix the donation bug). Nevertheless, I will continue to make it my mission to garner as much international support for eSA’s goals as possible. I will not rush into any MPPs without support of our people and Congress, but I will not rule them out either.

My diplomatic offensive did pay off handsomely before the Congressional elections when the Czech president informed me of a Brazilian PTO attempt, which was confirmed by Rico Suave and Ryan Dagari. I quickly informed the Spanish government, who was also threatened with PTO, and coordinated with my friend Evighet, the Spanish president, to put down this attempt at takeover. Even more decisive in defeating the PTO, however, was the excellent intelligence work of our Security Ministry and Intel dept., which were able to identify the individuals involved and publicize their activities. The media campaign that we all united under to defeat the invaders was one of the proudest moments in eSouth African history. The effective defense of our government by eSA’s citizens showed how powerful we are when unified and brought us the respect we deserve from both friends and enemies. I would like to see eSA continue to grow as an international force, which is why I will continue to push for closer relations with nations who share our goals and will promote our interests in the UN Forum which I and Browski (UN Ambassador) have registered in to represent eSA. To that end, I will also continue to promote unity that transcends party in eSA, as that is all something we CAN do, and without it we cannot survive.

Despite some glowing successes, my administration also faced bitter disappointment in other areas of diplomacy, which I hope to address in a second term. While I was dismayed at the lukewarm response to my overtures from large nations like USA and UK, the most upsetting dismissal came from the Indonesians, who I intended to enter negotiations with over the return of our land. After a somewhat positive response to my first message, no other messages were forthcoming from the Indonesian president. Similar attempts to reach their government by Ambassador Browski were also met with silence. Even a media offensive in Indonesia led by Ryan Dagari only showed that most Indonesians don’t think much of eSouth Africa or view us with outright disdain. I will not give up on diplomatic efforts with Indonesia, and I hope whoever their new president is will be more open to discussion. If he is not, we will pursue other means to free our lands.

As president I will maintain my high profile, personally answering citizens’ questions and assisting old vets and newcomers alike whenever I can. You can count on Jizzie McGuire to continue being the most active and accessible (and sexy!) president eSouth Africa has ever had, and I will be accountable for the actions of my administration, whether good or bad.

For the sake of my readers, I will end this not-so-sexy discussion now. This is much more boring than the typical Sexy Times fare, I know, but I had to get the word out on why you should vote to keep the Jizzie government at the helm of our great nation. You have my word that I will not run for a third consecutive term so that I can give others in the BLF a chance to run and so that I can attend to RL issues in May, so do not fear a dictator Jizzie!

Stay sexy, my friends, and remember to vote Jizzie McGuire so that I can keep us firmly on the road to prosperity, security and freedom for ALL of South Africa.

Thank You.