Vote LJSilver - Congressman in the Yukon.

Day 732, 23:04 Published in Canada Canada by LJSilver
LJSilver in the eCanadian government

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I have now completed almost two terms as Congressman in the Yukon and must say this last term was a rather interesting one in the eCanada forums.
There was heated debate surrounding several issues; import taxes, the eCanadian economy, the President, and the placement of hospitals and defence systems being just some of the most debated.

Being loyal to my constituents in the Yukon, I voted to have a hospital and a defense system placed in our great territory (you know, the land of the yellow snow - where the Huskies go!). The democratic process however, placed these infrastructures elsewhere.

Income tax
A break on income taxes has not yet materialized however, import tax changes for weapons, grain, food, and moving tickets should make these items more affordable for eCanadians.

Military and security
The budget for military spending has increased significantly.
CSIS has undergone some changes which will make our country more secure.

There have been no proposals to increase income taxes this term - something I would have fought against.
Increased import taxes, as mentioned previously, will help existing eCanadian companies stay afloat, and will increase the number of jobs available to citizens.
A resultant increase in wages may soon be seen as foreign companies find it harder to compete in the eCanadian market.
Small businesses in eCanada need to be supported and these recent tax changes will help stimulate our economy.
We hope the lesser populated areas will see some of this stimulus and will, in turn, increase their populations.
We hope to increase a reserve of funds in case of unforeseen and exceptional circumstances.

Foreign relations
A peace treaty was forged between us and eFrance, and several more countries that were formerly allied with PEACE (including founding 'father', Italy) have now entered into an alliance with us, and Indonesia is soon to follow.

As business and employment opportunities increase in the lesser populated provinces and territories, we should see hospitals built in those areas as the economy improves.

A summary of my congressional votes and the proposal outcomes this term:

President of Canada proposed a peace treaty with eFrance - yes - accepted.
Import Tax change (from 50 to 70😵: Food - yes - accepted.
Import Tax change (from 20 to 40😵: Weapon - yes - accepted.
Import Tax change (from 50 to 75😵: Grain - yes - accepted.
Import Tax change (from 75 to 20😵: Grain - no - rejected.
President of Spain proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Australia - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Sweden - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Poland - yes - accepted.
President of Sweden proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Romania - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Malaysia - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Italy - yes - accepted.
President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with Austria - yes - accepted.
President of Greece proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada - yes - accepted.
President of Croatia proposed a mutual protection pact with Canada - yes - accepted.
Import Tax change (from 10 to 20😵: Gift - yes - accepted.
Import Tax change (from 25 to 40😵: Moving tickets - yes - accepted.

There is always controversy in government and there is always more work to be done and more changes to be made.
With your support, we can do the work and make those changes possible.

Vote for the future of eCanada, it's citizens and it's businesses.
Vote for a citizen with a working vision.
Vote LJSilver - Congressman in the Yukon.