Vote for Derakor for PP, and a new begining!

Day 1,302, 18:27 Published in Canada Canada by Derakor

Alright boys and girls here we are, another month, and still the same old problems. Last month I tried everything in my power to do somethings to fix those problems, but there are others going for PP who think they can do better. Well, good luck to them should they win. However I got a better idea.

In order to fix the problem, we need to rewire everything. It's like rewiring a house, you don't leave the old wires in while you rewire it, you get new stuff.

So without further adieu, I would like to present my new plan. Which will have some other things added after elections.

The New Canadian Republic Party

The New Canadian Republic Party is a party with the aim of mixing the in-game mechanics of the National Stage with the role-playing aspects of the Party Stage. Also, it will be heavily strict on the organization of the old Roman Republic/Roman Empire style of workings, which the in-game mechanics seems to follow very closely.

The NCRP Code

The NCRP will be ruled by three Principles:

1. Duty
2. Responsibility
3. Respect

1. Duty:

It is the Duty of all members to be active, and to take part in the overall success of the Party. Through work and determination, commitment, and loyalty. Your participation will hold the key to the success, and ongoing continuation of the Legacy being built for the future.

2. Responsibility:

It is the Responsibility of all members to be part of all discussions, to accept the positions in which he takes willingly, and to volunteer his services where possible for the benefit of eCanada, and the benefit of the Party. You are ultimately responsible for your activity, your continued membership, and all your actions as you are a part of the Party. This includes, and is not limited to, the success of the Party and it’s ongoing Legacy.

3. Respect:

Respect is the last key to our Unity. It will ensure that all members stick together even in adversity, through differing opinions, and heated arguments. Each member will hold the other Members as Brothers and Sisters. We are a family, unshakably stuck together by providence, and by the command of all the Fates. This will contribute to the success of the Party, and strengthen our resolve through the months as we build our Legacy into eCanada, binding the two forever.

Breaking any of these Principles, and any other Laws created in the Party will bring consequences as investigated by the NCRP Tribunal of Discipline and decided by the Party President, the Magistrate of Membership, and the Magistrate of Justice.

The NCRP will be Organized as such:

The Party Emperor

The Party Emperor is the Honorary title given to past Party Presidents for their service, and great efforts which they put towards the Party. They have no official authority, but are to be exemplified as the best examples of the Party. A reward for service and commitment to duty.

The Party President:

The Party President will always be seen as the public head and face of the party. As such they are expected to maintain the highest standards of behaviour and authority. The duty and obligations of the Party President are as follows:

(i) The Party President is the highest authority within the party. As such they are ultimately responsible for the success and/or failure of the party. No other member in the party holds this authority, or holds authority over him.

(ii) The Party President is chosen by the Members of the Party via in-game mechanics. This vote happens on the 15th of every month.

(iii) The Party President will also be the Party Country President. This means that PP elections are not just for the selection of a New Party President, but also for the CP Primaries of the Party. This way we eliminate putting a member into Power if we don’t think he could also lead the Country.

(iv) Any Member of the Party will be considered a legitimate candidate unless either:

- Subject to an NCRP Tribunal of Dicipline and/or Supreme Court Proceedings.

- Convicted of Crimes against the NCRP and/or eCanada.

The NCRP Council

The role of NCRP Council is to present proposals, and to uphold the legislative laws in service to eCanada and the Party during their period in Office. They will vote in-game, and on the eCanada forums regarding issues to do with eCanada’s future and discuss/vote on the NCRP Forums for issues to do with the Party’s future.

(i) The NCRP Council is the Legislative Body of the Party. This means that any new Policies, Codes of Conduct, or other intra-party laws are to be passed by the Council to make it Official.. It is the only body of Members that can super-cede the Party President in all matters of the Party.

(ii) The NCRP Council is chosen by in-game mechanics on the 25th of every month. Through the selection and voting of Congressmen in-game. This means that any members who win in Congress are the Party’s Council, whether active or not.

(iii) NCRP Councilmen not only represent the population in Congress, but the Party as well and are expected to follow the eCanadian Constitution, Congressional Rules of Order, and the Second Charter of the Canadian Paradox Party.

(iv) No NCRP Councilmen is allowed to do the following actions:

(a) Sell citisenships to any member in, or outside of eCanada;
(b) Partake in actions that would put the Country or the Party in unfavourable light; and
(c) Vote yes in legislation or in-game motions not supported, or accepted in Congress.

(v) Any Member of the Party will be considered a legitimate candidate unless either:

- Subject to an NCRP Tribunal of Discipline and/or Supreme Court Proceedings.

- Convicted of Crimes against the NCRP and/or eCanada.

The Party Membership

The role of the Party Member will always be the public body of the Party, therefore the actions of each member is monitored by other parties. The organization and responsibilities of the membership is as follows:

(i) The Party Membership will be separated into two different groups, or in this case, to promote Nationalist and Military ideals, Brigades.

(a) The Adulescens Brigade
(b) The Adultus Brigade

The Adulescens Brigade is where all members start. They will only receive the rights as given by in-game membership. However they receive none of the Party benefits that come with being a full-member, which the Adultus Brigade gives.

The Adultus Brigade is where all active members graduate into. The requirements of full-membership are as such:

1. Must be an active Forum and/or IRC member.
2. Must be active in a Military Unit, such as the CAF, TCO, HOPE, for no less then 1 month, and no more then 2 months depending on circumstances.
3. Must be a citizen of eCanada.
4. Must not be Subject to an NCRP Tribunal of Discipline and/or Supreme Court Proceedings.
5. Must not be convicted of Crimes against the NCRP and/or eCanada.

(ii) All Party Members are responsible for the Election of the Party President, and the NCRP Council.

(iii) All Party Members have a duty, so long as they maintain their membership, to vote in all elections.

(iv) All Party Members must respect fellow members, in any and all circumstances. Breaking such respect will result in major consequences.

(v) Any Member of the Party will be considered a legitimate member unless:

- Subject to an NCRP Tribunal of Discipline and/or Supreme Court Proceedings.

- Convicted of Crimes against the NCRP and/or eCanada.

The NCRP Tribunal of Discipline

The role of the NCRP Tribunal of Discipline will always be to maintain justice in the Party, therefore the actions will be monitored by the Party, to see if Justice is being maintained. The responsibilities of the NCRP Tribunal of Discipline are::

(i) The NCRP Tribunal of Discipline will be responsible for publicly holding trials for members who violate the Second Charter of the Canadian Paradox Party.

(ii) The NCRP Tribunal of Discipline will be headed by these members:

1. Party President
2. Magistrate of Membership
3. Magistrate of Justice

(iii) The NCRP Tribunal of Discipline will hold a Jury of 5 Members, who will be randomly chosen by the Magistrate of Justice, who will decide the Guilt or Innocence of the Accused.

(iv) The Party President, along with the NCRP Council will present a punishment if the accused is found guilty. This punishment will come into effect immediately, unless repealed by the PP, or the NCRP Council by a Vote of 51% in favour of repeal.

(v) The NCRP Tribunal of Discipline cannot make a decision until the Facts are presented by both sides, and until the accused has had a chance to provide a defence for himself.

(vi) The Accused is allowed to be represented by another member, if they so wish, and may choose anyone within the party to defend them.