Visions of the Future - President Schauman

Day 1,176, 13:47 Published in Finland Finland by Erwin Schauman
Official announcement by the people of Finland


Honorable allies, people of Finland,

The wheel of time turns again on its axis, marking the end of an era and the beginning of a new age of grand visions and dreams of utopia. An age of creation and enlightenment. An age of challenges and triumph. An age of conquest and destruction...

New rising factions have emerged to threaten the stability of the world. Ruthless and ambitious, they use intrigue, manipulation and ultimatums to carve a new empire for themselves. In their lust for power they try to erode the foundations of the old order. But blinded by their infinite greed, they fail to see the growing resistance that their shameless tactics are creating...

Due to the changing global situation, we are all of us faced with tough decisions that will determine our destinies for months to come. Sides must be chosen, and new reasons for existence found.

Many paths lay open to us, many doors now unlocked, each leading to a different reality, different resolution.

Difficult as it may be, the decision which door to pass through must be made, for if we linger someone makes that decision for us. And it might not be to our pleasing...

Sitting still solves nothing, at best you get hit by a speeding car

It falls as my duty as the President of Finland to discard the veil of uncertainty that cloaks our intentions, and lay the foundation of the path that our proud nation will walk on.

It is my firm believe that after all pretense is gone, after all masks have been removed, what is left is how we are perceived by others and, perhaps even more importantly, how we see ourselves. It is what will define us as a nation and as a race even after we have ceased to exist and embrace the tranquil peace of the grave.

How honorably we act marks us for all eternity. Abandoning our old allegiances and friendships for a brief moment of glory would reflect poorly on us as Finns. It's not the fate we want, or deserve.

Therefore, Finland proudly announces it will remain a loyal supporter of EDEN, and aid our alliance brothers with the best of our military capability! This we do with renewed vigor!

We opened the EDEN chapter a long time ago, the prologue written by us and our friends, and we will not falter in our duties before the book has been finished, and the last lines of the story told!

War knocks on our door - are you ready to fight?

This decision places us as the enemies of the emerging new alliance, the New World Order. The NWO is a growing threat to peace, consisting of some of our most hated enemies, as well as some of our most beloved allies. We will face them all in battle in the coming World War. The blood of a brother will be spilled, though we take no joy from it.

It's not a war we asked for, not one we wanted. But we Finns never ran away from a fight, or turned our back on our duty.

We go in battle with right on our side, and truth in our hearts. As soldiers we fight for our country, for our honor, for our brothers in arms. It falls to us, the fighting men and women of EDEN, to ensure that the NWO war machine can no longer threaten our home or our friends.

Remember who you are and why you're fighting – for your allies, for justice, for your homeland...

-Erwin Schauman
President of Finland