Venja for PM - Stay Strong ... Stay Free

Day 1,257, 01:53 Published in Australia Australia by venja
Today I announce that I am running for Prime Minister again in elections to be held in 5 days time.

This past month has seen our large overbearing neighbour come into our lands raping and pillaging. I refused to subjugate eAustralia and instead chose to fight for our freedom.

My government assembled the best array of alliances and hospitals this country has ever seen, to bolster our defences. We stood firm and fought valiantly but they beat us with sheer numbers to wipe all of our regions. Since then we have fought back regaining 2 territories but to be sure, they will come at us again.

I am proud to say as Prime Minister that we have fought as well as we have ever done and even though we are outnumbered 10 to 1, our performance on the battlefield has been exemplary.

All of our allies have been under heavy attack and quite a few wiped just like eAustralia. Our enemies in the ONE alliance have fought very hard - but now the tide has turned and our allies have all regained their countries. Now is the time to continue this wave of recovery and beat back the enemy. If elected as PM for a second term, I will be continuing this good fight.

Stay strong eAustralia. Stay free. We will prevail.

Prime Minister eAustralia