USWP, it shall be me.

Day 1,052, 18:04 Published in USA USA by Civil Anarchy
The USWP Party President Primary has begun!
When you're voting, remember the three traits of a great PP.
If you desire Excellence in Administration,
If you value Exemplary duty in running Elections,
If you honor a proven record in Recruitment and Retention.
Vote Civil Anarchy for USWP Party President!


Greetings USWP, if I may request a moment of your time....
Party President Elections are quickly approaching us, meaning, the zombies are going to have to decide who shall become the next USWP PP, or Zombie King/Queen.
This means that a new Party President must be elected, but who shall it be?
USWP, it shall be me.

I, Civil Anarchy, of the United States Workers Party, hereby declare my intention to seek the office of President of the United States Workers Party.

First, a Resume;
- Slayer of the Admin
- Member Services Director of the United States Workers Party
- Executive Board USWP - 4 Months
- April 2010 and May 2010 Presidential Candidate
- Congressmen (7)
- Deputy Secretary of the Department of Interior
- Director of REACH (2)
- Former Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party (2)
- Former Director of Citizens Affairs
- Former Director of the Ambassadorial Program
- Former BOSS of Western Europe
- Former Ambassador to Spain
- Sponsor of the Meals on Wheels Program
- Former Chair of the Government Oversight Committee
- Sponsor of the Small Party Union
- USWP Hunter
- Former SFP Elections Coordinator
- Former Member of the International/External Congressional Committee
- Former Member of Immigration Enforcement Subcommittee
- Former Editor of the Congressional Paper
- Former Director of Intelligence of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Director of Interparty Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party
- Former Congressmen to the Internationale
- Former Commander of the Bear Cavalry (Para-Military Organization)
- Former Member of the eUs Army
- eUs Mentor

A bit of history I suppose....

I was brought onto the USWP by Jude Connors as the Deputy PAC during June of 2010. At the time, I had spent the majority of my eLife working alongside the SFP, and followed a very strange political career.

During my time in the Socialist Freedom Party, I gained valuable expierence serving in nearly every position, from inter-party ambassador, to Recruitment Director, to Congressional Coordinator, to Party President.

After serving in the June Congressional Elections as Deputy PAC, I was promoted by Jude Connors to the position of Member Services Director, where I have remained in that position for the last four months. Throughout my term as Member Services Director, a variety of programs have been implemented to attempt to better the lives of our workers, as well as recruit more people to the party, both in game, and out of game. Some of those programs are....
- USWP Mentor Program
- USWP New Citizen Messaging
- USWP Charitable Organization
- USWP Outreach Program

As for my plans....
The United States Workers Party has been the beneficiary of both a gift and a curse through its #1 spot, and stature. We are a party of raw strength, under the right circumstances. We've seen the lows that the USWP can be brought to, and we've seen its immense strength under the right leadership. The eUnited States is on a rebound. We've succeeded Militarily. Our Economy is coming back. We're beginning to see new players play the game again. It is the duty of the USWP to facilitate this revival, and in the process, show our true potential.
We can dominate Congress.
We can dominate Party Politics.
We can truly become the Dominant Party of this Country

First of all, we'll need more people, but how do we going about achieving this?
1) We ensure the Member Services department is fully functional.
a. New Player Recruitment
b. Unaffiliated Recruitment
c. Out of game Recruitment

New Player Recruitment is already in progress, we currently send a message out to every new player to this game. Unaffiliated Recruitment will be handled by an unaffiliated player task force, using the online player list and our Database to entice unaffiliated players to join the United States Workers Party.

2) Creating a fluid leadership, along with the maximum possible mid level leadership positions
a. Appointing specific Leadership positions for Member Services programs.
b. Looking towards the expansion of the militia to allow for more commander positions.
c. Expanding the Media Program to incorporate more writers, allowing for frequent releases of party articles and information.

Creating mid level leadership positions is the best thing we can do to accommodate an influx of new members. We're going to have to deal with two main types of people coming into the party. First, the politico. The guy thats going to vying for spots in High Leadership, and has the energy to attempt to propel themselves there. By placing these people in mid level positions, we can use that energy to propel the party, while not having to worry about them causing inner party unrest. They can stick around in the mid level position before ultimately choosing between moving onto a high leadership position, or moving onto to a National Government position (Congress, executive, w/e). People moving on to the National Government is simply something we're going to have to deal with. Theres no way around it, but we can make the best of those people while they're still in the party. Keeping a fluid leadership is absolutely necessary because of this constant. We cannot allow programs to die because the person leading it loses enthusiasm, or moves onto a higher position.
Secondly, we're going to have to deal with the two-clicker. The people that don't do a huge amount of work, for whatever reason, not interested, playing for fun, w/e. The majority of these people will be placed in lower level positions, grunt work, if that at all. However, there's always a few of them that are capable of doing great things, and simply in need of motivation to become active. The mid level leadership position serves this purpose as well, giving a small dose of responsibility hoping that the two-clicker is put into the position wherein they rise to the occasion. If this is not that case, and they simply stay inactive, the fluid leadership will allow for a speedy replacement. Its a gamble, but worthwhile if it results in the creation of a newly active player.

3) Glorifying the United States Workers Party
a. Dramatically increasing the activity of the USWP Writers Guild.
b. Training new players to write enticing articles.
c. Publishing merits of the USWP.
d. Using Imagery to display party unity.
e. Displaying activity on the forums and IRC.

By promoting the USWP on the national scene, more people are attracted to it. By bringing in a flow of already active players, we can support of leadership policy, as well as greatly augment recruitment. New players that participate in our writing programs will be tasked with writing articles about the USWP. Regardless of the quality of those articles, which would improve over time, its free publicity for the USWP. Obviously by publishing the merits of the USWP, more people will be attracted by our exploits. Imagery is a tactic we already utilize, but not fully. Using the USWP icons in the media, and Congress will help increase public awareness of our party, and the activity of our most noticeable members.

Each of these three fragments rely on each other. We need new members to support the mid level leadership plan. We need the leadership plan to operate our member programs and publicity program. We need the publicity programs to bring new people to the party. Thankfully, the USWP is fully capable of performing these actions by using the resources we already possess. By focusing on these three planks, we can ensure the USWP becomes great, and example for all other parties to follow. We will be a City on a Hill for all of the country to look upon in awe.


There are three things that every Party President must excel with in order for their party to prosper
Administrative Ability
- I know what I need to do, I know what I'm going to do, I'm telling you exactly what I'm going to do, and I'm the best person to do what I need to do. I'm the man with the plan, the man of Action.
- I've been part of the USWP Leadership longer than all my opponents.
- I've served two terms as a Party President
- I've administrated every aspect of a political party in the past, from recruitment, to elections, to inter-party relations, and more.
- I've been a leader of an incredible number of governmental and party programs throughout my eLife.

Election Efficiency
- I've personally taken part in and assisted with 10 Elections
- I've coordinated blockers, candidates, voters, and snipers for 6 of the 10 Elections I've participated in.
- I've been able to help coordinate the elections of multiple parties during one election.

Recruitment and Retention Ability
- I've served as the Member Services Director in the USWP for four months, and built the program from the ground up.
- I've served as the Deputy Secretary of the Interior three times, Director of Citizens Affairs once, and Director of REACH twice. I've seen the inner workings of all of the recruitment and retention programs for our great Nation.
- My last term as a Party President yielded a 130% population increase of the party I served in.

Since the beginning of the United States Workers Party's rebirth, I have been on the front lines of leadership, fighting for our survival and prosperity.

USWP, I will dedicate my entire eBeing to our party. We have been gifted with the greatest players of this game, and that shall not be put to waste.
Vote Civil Anarchy
For Prosperity
For Excellence
For the USWP's Inner Glory!

Thank you,
Civil Anarchy.