USA Job Report During the War

Day 664, 09:30 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
14 September 2009, Day 664 of the New World. The ongoing war has impacted the American economy, and there was no time when this was more true that during the defense of Florida. New citizens especially felt the sting of unemployment when companies in occupied territories could no longer hire. Now that America has some of its land back, jobs have been open. However, as Russian forces continue to make headway in the United States, we may be on the verge of another economic collapse.

For now, here is an examination of the United States job market as it exists today with 35 regions still part of the United States. For each job skill for each level milestone, the highest-paying job offer was found. This was often not the highest job offer listed, as companies exist which can not pay their employees, do not have the raw materials on hand to work with, or have a significantly higher Q-rating than other companies hiring that skill level.

Construction jobs pay the highest in the middle skill range, but pay poorly for unskilled workers and have no openings today for new construction laborers (those with 0 skill). Manufacturing remains uniformly more high-paying than land work until skill level 5, when manufacturing becomes the lowest-paid sector. Land work starts and remains relatively low-paying, but at the highest skill levels it becomes the best-paying profession.

This may influence some citizens’ career decision. The highest-paid of the experienced workers are land workers, but they have to suffer relatively low wages while gaining the necessary experience. It is of course better to specialize in one area than build skills in multiple, as even a relatively low-paid worker of high skill will earn more than a less-skilled worker in a profession that tends to earn more.

The raw data are presented below: