Urgent Notice: Vote!

Day 491, 17:46 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

I have noticed that many people don't vote or will not vote for whatever reason. I have some advice for you:

1. Do it for yourself. When you vote you get xp and can level up so even if you aren't sure of who to vote for vote for the person that has a presentation that agrees with your ideas the most not just because they're in your party. This helps you and helps them

2. Do it for your country. Choosing the right candidate is helping you get your voice into Congress, and if you vote you have the right to complain but if you don't vote you don't have the right to complain because you didn't make a descision.

3. Do it for everyone. If you're party has a moving program that will pay for your moving ticket there and back to help aid them. Instead of wasting your vote on an election that has already been decided lend your vote to an area that needs it.

Please vote, it's not that hard to do, you just go up to Plato who is saying Vote and click on the link. Then pick the party of the candidate you want and click on the vote stamp next to their name and you will get your xp and they will get your vote.