Urgent Notice: International Crisis!

Day 509, 07:53 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

Attention all eCitizens we have an international crisis on our hands! We at the DC newsroom now go live to our reporter in eChina.

"Thanks guys, early this morning some soldiers started hearing large banging noises and the purr of perhaps an engine. As they went to check it out they came over a ridge and saw a massive army approaching a local town about 3 miles away. The soldiers immediately returned to their vehicle and drove to meet the army."

When they arrived, much to their surprise the army was only about shin-high. Coming up more of the story but first back to you in the studio."

Alright well it looks like it will be a nice day in most areas of the eWorld as it could always be and now over to traffic presented by Nobody. Well as you can see here that most people will not be on until they have some free time in the afternoons. Currently there is very little server traffic and it should remain so throughout the day.

We'll be back after this commercial break but coming up:
How to spend gold wisely, what you should buy on a budget,
and more from eChina on this development.

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And welcome back to DCN, your go to newsroom. Let’s get back to the story with our eChina reporter.

"Thanks again guys, well the army is very dangerous, it is comprised of eCats and eDogs and whatever other eSpecies feel they have been wronged by unfair treatment as they should be the #1 country in eRepublik but have not been recognized as such. They told me 'Meow mee, mo meeow meoooow meow.' This roughly translates to this, ‘We are not here to harm normal eCitizens who do not stand in our way but only those who do and support the admin. In which case you will be captured, held for ransom, or made into glue or Q1 food.' Both PEACE and Atlantis are talking openly at this moment as to whether they should join together to stop this or continue to fight and hope that the bug will be fixed by Day 1000 of the New World. That's all, reporting for DCN in eChina."

In other news:

I was bored so I made that, hope you enjoyed it. If not then post a comment why.