Update from the PM

Day 1,255, 20:07 Published in Australia Australia by venja
Resistance Wars Success

After the brutal invasion by our big brother neighbours in eIndonesia we embarked on a resistance war and have managed to secure back 2 regions of our beloved country.

A big thankyou to all involved in our militias, in the ADF, from our allies in EDEN and Terra and other friends of eAustralia. It was a tremendous effort by all.

We can now resume normality in terms of working and training etc. Our MPP's are still intact and we will continue renewing as required.

Aussie troops remain vigilant

We are of course still currently under threat from eIndonesia.
We will continue to work on a positive relationship with eIndonesia but we will not accept subjugation.
We will continue to work to obtain a fair deal for eAustralia.
We will never surrender.
We will prevail.


It is with great sadness that today I was advised of the loss of a former eAustralian Frymonmon who has passed from this earth April 27th 2011.

Fry was well known to many eAustralians, as well as citizens from eNZ, eUK and eUSA. His knowledge and wit were often on display and he certainly made his mark. Fry was also a rl warrior bringing that depth of understanding as a player to the game.

Please join with me in giving our thoughts and prayers to his rl family and friends. May he rest in peace.

Prime Minister of eAustralia