Update: Black Friday Promo

Day 1,830, 05:18 Published in Sweden Sweden by Jedi Schmedi
The Black Friday promo will be available ONLY in day 1830. The offer includes:

• Gold Promo - 45% more Gold for same price

• Bazooka Booster - available for purchase

• Energy Bars Promo - 30% cheaper

- During The promotional period you will be able to purchase ONLY Energy bars that provide +200 Energy.
- The new bars will be stocked separately in your storage and you can use them even after the promotion is over
- The +200 Energy Bars will have firs priority in your Recover Energy button (They will follow same rule as for foo😛 biggest Q is consumed first)

• Upgrade Rocket Factory Promo - 45% cheaper

• Training Ground Upgrades - 45% cheaper

• Companies Upgrade - 45% cheaper

Ingen kan ha missat detta!
Vill ge cred till mig själv som gissade på högoddsare "Companies Upgrade" som en avslutning på denna fest av reor som har ägt rum vid firandet av eRepubliks 5-årsdag!
eRep-gudarna var snälla nog att kasta med lite annat smått och gott under avslutningen.
Vad har eller kommer ni att investera i?

Eftersom det är Fredag med svart tema så bjuder jag även på en gammal klassiker:
Rebecca Black - Friday!
