UK Congressional Data/First Week as MP

Day 2,113, 00:32 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Wes Lewis

I decided to wait until the first week into my Congressional term before I posted the results of the election so I could also use the same article to discuss what has happened this week while on the job.

*Data is arranged by most seats won, descending order.

The Unity Party
Current Membership: 213
Parliamentary Supporters: 158
Compared Member to Supporter Turnout: 74.17%
Percent of National Vote: 30.50%
Seats Won: 12
Party President: CottonPicken

Just like in the PP election the TUP performed exceptionally well this election cycle, winning 12 of 40 seats good luck to them all. Also our new Speaker was elected from the TUP, I would like to congratulate Kravenn on being chosen, and a job well done thus far.

United Kingdom Progressive Party/ESO/UKRP Coalition
Coalition's Current Membership: 215
Parliamentary Supporters: 140
Compared Member to Supporter Turnout: 65.11%
Percent of National Vote: 27.03%
Seats Won: 11
Coalition Party Presidents: Neil Lewis, Elle Roslin, and Henry Pfeiffer Arundel

The UKPP, ESO, and UKRP formed a coalition this election cycle and also used a very effective voting tactic as well in their announcement. The results show it definitely paid off with the best turnout among the Top 5 parties, 11 MPs where selected from this coalition I wish them all luck.

New Era
Current Membership: 188
Parliamentary Supporters: 103
Compared Member to Supporter Turnout: 54.78%
Percent of National Vote: 19.88%
Seats Won: 8
Party President: ChewChewShoe

New Era's performance this election cycle was average using the most unbiased term I can think of in the situation. However the perfectly executed political coalition caused their amount of seats to decrease somewhat to 8 MPs including myself, I wish my colleagues luck this term.

People's Communist Party
Current Membership: 85
Parliamentary Supporters: 71
Compared Member to Supporter Turnout: 86.52%
Percent of National Vote: 13.71%
Seats Won: 5
Party President: ApronChef

It seems that their party leadership caught their parties attention going from worst PP vote turnout to highest Congressional election turnout in just 10 days! I congratulate the party on such a high turnout while I have never seen this done, it is easily achievable being a moderately sized that is more active then not. I wish the 5 Communist MPs good luck in their terms.

Radical Democratic Party
Current Membership: 66
Parliamentary Supporters: 46
Compared Member to Supporter Turnout: 69.69%
Percent of National Vote: 8.88%
Seats Won: 4
Party President: Leo Balzac

This set of data is entertaining to say the least, the RDP performed very well for their size, however this data is distorted somewhat because they had around 80-85 members on election day. I wish the 4 Radical MPs luck this term and the party luck as well in returning to the Top 5, due to them losing their 5th spot to the UKRP recently.

Due to the Congressional election data also being included in this weeks update I will keep the update on Congress to a brief summary.

Our first two days were spent solely on electing our Speaker which I mentioned earlier. The two leading candidates ended up being myself and Kravenn with the latter winning the vote with a fairly comfortable margin. After this the next day and a half was all Kravenn, setting up the Congressional Group A & B PMs and getting each of us access to the IRC channel and forum area. Finally able to get to work, the last three days consist of us opening discussion on money saving measures, immigration, and the unfolding conflict in our region. Due to all of these debates having just beginning I have very few details to share with you all which I apologize for. Next week I can promise you much more detail on our work.

Not wanting to bore you to death I will end the article at this point, thanks again for taking an interest in our politics and reading my articles!