Time to Concede

Day 3,556, 09:06 Published in USA USA by Dariuswolff

Now it is the time for all people to understand that, despite our determination to win this election, the electorate has once more been hoodwinked into voting against their own interests. What I mean by that is self evident to any and all interested parties with enough sense to reasonably view the facts and come to the conclusion, as have I, that the party is, without a doubt as ably represented at this moment and during the tenure of the winner of the election as it has ever been in the past.

My opponent in the election has garnered, thus far, in excess of eighty percent of the votes, with approximately fifty percent of the eligible votes having been cast and counted. It is a statistical certainty that my opponent's lead is at this time so overwhelming that I believe I am justified in making this concession.

The voters have yet again been duped into voting for a continuation of keeping politicians both plentiful as well as cheap.

When we next meet, the future may hold a different opinion of my opponent and will cast him aside as quickly and as vigorously as they would dispose of a used condom. In the mean time, I shall not squander what little time I may have left to serve. I and my fellow pampers and pablum set shall, with all reasonable caution, speed and diligence set our minds to the formulation of plans to ensure a just victory in the next election.

I want to thank one and all for their time and their patience. You have not, nor shall you ever let me down.