This Week with Stanley the Talking Grapefruit

Day 2,110, 19:23 Published in United Kingdom Norway by Major Lee Hung

What has Stanley the Talking Grapefruit II of Passwall been up to this week?

It has been an ordinary week in the eUK. What's more fun than to read about the goings on in an ordinary week?! Catch up with Stanley the Talking Grapefruit and his exploits through the week.

WookieO: The Creature Behind the Fur

Not a great deal is known about the public life of WookieO. This week we get behind the fur of this enourmous yet warm creature, with three general questions to see what kind of character he is.

1. If you could be any kitchen utensil what would it be?

Wookie: Definitely a potato masher, I love those buggers.

2. How would you make a tuna sandwich?

Wookie: I really wouldn't. Tuna is part of my triumverate of evil. This includes not only tuna, but marmite and bagels too. I cannot explain it but it's just true, they are all evil.
Stanley: Isn't a wookie usually evil?!
Wookie: Absolutely not!!! We're a people for good in the world, we fight against evil, in many forms and promote fun, frolics and careful hair grooming techniques.

3. This is a question we've all been dying to know the answer to; are you a relation of Cousin Itt?

Wookie: Ah, no....Cousin Itt is a friend of the family, but he's no wookie. We share certain grooming ideas and oh yes, we've both shagged Morticia...but apart from that, we're very different.
Stanley: Will he play a part in your leadership of the eUK?
Wookie: I didn't know he was a citizen of the new world, to be perfectly honest; but if he pops his hairy head up, I'll definitely point him in the right direction.


Heartwarming stuff from the presidential hopeful, WookieO. Consider giving this man your vote. And your best afro-comb.

Stanley the Talking Grapefruit II of Passwall: Adventures This Week

This week Stanley the Talking Grapefruit ventured out of the Shivering Isles and in to the cold world to spread the madness to the masses.

As you can see above, Stanley has been taking arrows in his knees and stopping criminal scum across the land.

Stanley's Message of the Week

"I am a part of you, little mortal. I am a shadow of your subconscious, a blemish on your fragile little psyche. You know me. You just don't know it."

Stanley's Random Gift to you of the Week

Cat Stevens - A free gift for checking in this weekend!

Unfortunately his adventures were cut short this week due to an unfortunate accident...


Stay tuned next week for more tales from Stanley the Talking Grapefruit, as we smash the boundaries of madness. And some windows.