The Wasteland

Day 3,626, 18:29 Published in USA USA by ThunderGon


I have started writing a series of articles on one man's journey though "The Wasteland". If you would like me to keep going, please vote and shout! Also, I am attempting to get my Junior Journalist mission completed so 25 comments please.

Thank you and I appreciate your support!!


Day 254:

It's cold. So. Very. Cold.

As I stare into the darkness, I contemplate why I keep going. Why I keep looking for something that isn't there. Maybe it's my survival or maybe it's the need to prove myself wrong. I don’t know anymore. My judgement is clouded by too many sleepless nights and thoughts of ending it all.

I used to wonder, how did this happen? Why am I the only one left? Why didn’t I die too? But it's useless. The side of me that cared to answer such questions is gone.

I used to have hope. Hope that I would find someone, something, some reason why this has happened. But that is gone too. Hope can only keep a man alive for so long before it drives a man insane.

I have become a cynic. Kindness, caring, and love are now just insipid notions of a past life I no longer care to remember. Instead, emptiness, anger, and fear have filled the void.

It's almost morning. I can't stay here anymore, I need to keep moving. I know there is no one left but I always feel as if someone, maybe something, is watching my every move. Waiting for me to make a mistake.

Paranoia, warranted or not, has kept me alive this long. There is no reason to doubt it now.