The Voice of n00bs Among Other Things

Day 456, 19:59 Published in Canada Canada by Ralph de Ver
Press Director's Article: The Voice of n00bs Among Other Things

I am not going to lie to or sugar-coat things for you, the new citizen, and tell you there are not expectations of you. There are many well written articles that detail many of these expectations but I write to you now to stress the most important: the fact that you must participate to "make it" in the New World.

By no means am I a very experienced citizen but even I have seen new citizens struggle, even I have seen the young and weak "die". I know it is difficult because, just like a newborn baby, you are not handed all of the tools all at once for you truly accomplish all of your goals - goals you no doubt set for yourself the first time you logged on. eRepublik places you, a fully cognitive, grown individual, in an infant-like virtual body and you have to learn to provide for yourself - let alone learn to speak again.

Learning to speak again...what an interesting concept. In all cases it is the most important skill you will learn because this is the essence of participation in eRepublik. How else would you work your way up the ranks in one of the skill trees set out for you: the corporate head, the country's military saviour, the networking guru, the recently coveted media mogul or the political chieftain. Is it not odd that you are not required to speak in eRepublik? A citizen should almost be considered "dead" if they refuse to speak. What I hope to accomplish is to give the newer citizens, the n00bs, a head start in learning how to speak.

One of my paths through the New World does not truly appear on any one of the skill paths previously mentioned. I hope to make my surroundings more inclusive rather than exclusive, especially for the new citizen. So, without further adieu, I offer to you two things:

1) The Ver Filler, the newspaper that will promote the voice of the n00b
2) A challenge to all n00bs: write an article for my newspaper, send it to me and I may publish it, depending on the content

Simple as that. Write about anything you want. Tell me how you found eRepublik or how it found you. Tell me what really irks you about the New World. Promote yourself. The possibilities are really endless and there is a pretty good chance that you will get noticed a lot easier and make a name for yourself a lot quicker.

Aside from the typical Press Director's article and a "N00b Selection" section I will also be devising some great ways that will sure to get people talking.

So stay tuned and I look forward to reading your articles.


Private Ralph de Ver
CAF National Reserves Platoon 1
CEP Party Officer - Join the CEP and sign up at the forum!