The Three Candidates.

Day 2,010, 20:19 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

The main concern with Majester (pictured above) is arthritis, senility and generally being a crusty old coot... As with all old men what he remembers about that past are distorted versions of reality.

His cabinet will no doubt consist of the same names from previous terms and will accomplish just as much. Is that really what we want?

While a decent choice for CP Majester's terms always end up as nothing more than treading water and maintaining the status quo....

Haven't we had enough reruns? It's time for new blood, for new outlooks, not the same old stuff.

Mick Gatto, (above) has never been CP and will bring a fresh take to the political circle. But we must always be careful with false prophets and those who would be king.

His association with CoT nations (yes those who have continued to keep us wiped) and willingness to sell us out at the first opportunity are massive red flags as is his removal from Cabinet this month for his background manipulations.

So many times in the past he has said one thing, then openly acted opposite. Not to mention his attempt to supvert democracy with the creation of the 'Party Coalition' that utilized an illegally obtained party to create a 3 party alliance.

His highly questionable motives and morals are a concern but to be honest our present situation can't get worse...or can it? Even a boring month of the Old Coot would no doubt be better for eAus than a Gatto CP term.

Bubbles... um I mean MollyJo ticks all the boxes.... and is made of sugar and spice and all things nice most importantly she is FRESH and a NEW FACE, not a has been, or a never was. She brings a totally fresh outlook and While relatively young in political terms her experience creating and building the ARP from nothing to the top 2 party is something neither other candidate can claim.

Everything she has accomplished she has had to work hard and earned respect for around the world. The circle surrounding her will allow a Cabinet second to none. Imagine all the experience of our nations finest led by this first time CP. The new directions and new paths we can take...

Both Majester and Gatto have held key positions in many of the previous months failed cabinets. Mojo is the only choice for a new approach.