The story of kitty cat.....

Day 1,709, 04:04 Published in India India by Internal Affairs India
On a busy night, when the eWorld had turned its head towards a heated war in the far lands of Europe and Australia, A gift was sent to this world from the over lord and ever governing ruler of eIndian and fonder of Ashwamedism. When all of eIndia was in eAustralia, a few kids stayed in their beds afraid of the dogs roaming on the streets, Dark clouds gathered in the sky, The dogs barked! Little kittens crept out of their beds and peered through the windows, A flash appeared as if the sky had split "Lightning!" Cried a little kitten but the flash was red, The dogs on streets ran away the sky began to split a long line, as if was a road built from red blood appeared.

(The red road through which the god came)

Through the red glow, the kids saw a shadow! what appeared to be the idols what eIndians worshiped! The lord Himself had appeared there! He placed a small basket, a few dogs, dared to growl in-front of him , He gazed back with his red eyes: "Begone! I do not wish to fight now" sweet was his voice, That filled joy in-spite of his angry appearance! The dogs were fooled by his sweet voice and they ran towards him. His red eyes brightened and all the dogs were burnt in flames!

(The red eyes of the kitten god!)

The kids were overjoyed by this site! No dogs roamed the streets, The god who stood before them vanished to thin air! In the corner there lay a basket a small kitten puuurr'd! The little kittens ran towards it, There lay a newborn kitten who slept with a smile! It glowed and the aura around it was sweet and there lay flowers around it, the sun shone in the distant land, the kitty opened its eyes pushed the blanket aside her beauty matched none! Wonder struck the kittens didn't speak, for they knew nothing about ashwa or this gift that has been sent to them, a boon to the society that no one was there to care about.

(The Beautiful Kitty who was gifted to eIndia)

Now, It rose from its basket and tried to walk on the grass, the other kittens only watched as it tried to move on the grass, Its tender legs left small impressions wherever it walked! The other kittens gasped when it fell due to its own weight, a few brave kittens went near it, "Hello?" Muttered one. She didn't respond, "I don't think she understands us" Said another. She gazed at the cats around her, something caught her gaze, in the far end red eyes, glared at the scene everything around it was filled with a dark aura! everything around it seemed dark inspite of the morning sun, nothing but its red eye's could be seen. "Its a tank from the wolves gang!" cried a little kitten, She didn't understand, her mission was to spread love and remove the hate, she sensed alot of hate from the wolf that stepped closer, The ground began to shake as the wolf came nearer and everything became cold around him................

(Dark wolf!)

~~~~~~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bad ending? Did you expect a super cat to come and save them from the claws of the wolf? wanted to protect the cute little kitty cat? I'm sorry that is not possible

The reason is simple, all our players are busy fighting each other or for our allies and have no time to help newbies grow! If your not one of them, Fill this form and lets retain the newbies!

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Author of this story....