The Socialist Freedom Party... and Me

Day 656, 23:41 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Whenever the times comes, citizens across this entire world look for a political party. Man, many, wonderful options were available in the USA when I went looking for a party. From the right-wing Conservative Party to the Workers Party, the Democrats, the Federalists, the Libertarian Party, AAP, and the United Independents Party. I soon realized, however, that there was only one place for a progressive such as I.

That party was the Socialist Freedom Party. The SFP is a progressive organization that believes in helping out all for the common good of all. It is very progressive in its approach to the "opportunities" that plague the nation. It strongly opposes "free trade" and believes in defense. Most of all, the SFP believes in the containment of the world imperialism organization known as PEACE GC.

Today, I received word from the party leaders that my application as the Director of Public Relations of the Socialist Freedom Party was accepted, and that I had won the position. I was - and still am - filled with excitement and joy as I take the steps to be a major part of a political party.

So what does the SFP Director of Public Relations do? Simply put, he/she "writes articles for the SFP paper. The PR spot is for writing good articles that raise us in the public view." TO some, that may not seem like much; to others it is an amazing amount of work. To ME... it is pure delight.

So let's get started, shall we? What is up with the Socialist Freedom Party? In the midst of the war with PEACE, what happened to the SFP? Has the young, left-wing political party all but died?

Just like every other political party, the SFP has lost a good chunk of its party members. Some were in regions conquered; some fled to allied nations, such as Greece. It goes without saying that these were tough times; not only for the party, but the entire nation. The party leaders quickly and wisely agreed that now was not - an is not - the time for partisan politics as usual, and decided to work towards the common good of the USA. The SFP endorsed Emerick - a member of a different party - for USA President in August and September.

So what IS the Socialist Freedom Party doing? Currently, the SFP is busy helping recapture regions with the use of the SFP Bear Cavalry. The SFP Bear Cavalry's mission is to take back eUS regions from PEACE forces by coordinating with other resistance forces in a non-partisan fashion. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to join and fight back the evil forces of PEACE GC. With people joining everyday, the Bear Cavalry is ready to leave it's imprint on this war. In fact, the Bear Cavalry is ready to leave its bootprints on the backs of PEACE soldiers! I can't get into specifics yet, but the exploits of the Bear Cavalry will be topping my list of information to release in the coming days and weeks. I can tell you, however, that something is in the works. And best of all, you can still be a part of it all! Let me know if you want to be a part of America's rebirth. You can also contact the SFP BC Quartermaster, Osmany Ramon, directly for more info on the Bear Cavalry!

"Take A Sad Song And Make It Better"
"Hey" Jude Connors