The Scriptures of Scholar Schauman

Day 1,163, 08:10 Published in Finland Finland by Erwin Schauman

The world is changing... I feel it in the battle module, I feel it in the market place, I smell it in the updates. Much that once was is forgotten; for none now live who remember it...

It began with the forging of the great moderator medals: three for the hackers, immoral, corrupt and unfairest of all beings. Seven for the multi-accounters; great exploiters and abusers of the game mechanics. And nine medals, nine medals were passed to the race of trolls, who above all else desire power.

But they were all of them deceived for another medal was made: in the land of Romania, in the offices of eRepublik Labs, the dark lord Plato forged, in secret, a master medal to control all others. And into this medal he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his will to dominate the world.

This article doesn't actually have much to do with the intro. It was just there to get ”lol we hate eRepublik too” -votes. Now that I've earned massive amount of sympathy votes (both of them), we can move on to the actual issue.

The world evolves – can you keep up?

Theme music:

Yes, the world is indeed changing. What once was a playground for EDEN and Phoenix, rules set by the eternal struggle between the two, is now turning in to a child's play of a different kind...

Phoenix is a pale shadow of what it once was. The enemy we fought against so fervently for a year has now been reduced to disorganized federation of countries without a common goal. Without will to continue. It's a hollow shell of its former self, clinging on to old tales of heroism, being unable to create new ones.

With the death of Phoenix, EDEN, an alliance formed to bring balance in the world, faces the same grim fate as its old enemy - extinction. Inner rumblings in the alliance cause member states to resign in a desperate bid to create excitement in a world that is withering and dying.

Mobs of disgruntled citizens march on the virtual streets, rioting for change, trying to find new hope for their bleak existence. Leaders of the nations, once bound by the concepts of righteousness, morality and justice, now openly conspire against each other in order to bring doom and gloom to their old allies. It will not be long before Abel finds the blade of Cain in his back.

Idle minds chose the path of destruction...

But just like fire creates ash that forms foundation for new life, so does destruction bring with it the seed of creation. However, not all that is new is always good, and Finland, like all other countries, is faced with great challenges. Nations must find their place in the new world or perish under the fires of change.

And decisions must be made soon. The world waits for no one.

The fundamental question - what are you living for?

Finns. It's time for us to finally face the unavoidable fact. We are dying. The legacy we've built is slowly crumbling. Our population is decaying. Our industrial might, together with our military strength, disappears abroad with the old users that leave the nation for bigger adventures, or evaporates completely due to rage quits.

Never has the importance of unity been greater than it is today. And yet, we waste our time and energy squabbling over small details, trying to find entertainment from the tiniest of controversies. By doing so we are causing immeasurable harm to the community.

We accumulate wealth for selfish reasons. To feed our egos and sense of superiority. Selfless sacrifice and helping the community have become things of the past. The call of gold deafens the call of the motherland, that now cries in anguish over the rape she must endure.

Instead of uniting, we are dividing. Instead of evolving, we are devolving. Instead of creating we are destroying.

Nation is not formed by its borders, by its currency, not even by its flag. It is formed by its community. A prosperous nation has a strong community working for common goals. It supports itself and creates value in the form of entertainment. It's more than a mere group of people. It's a living entity that breaths, thinks and bleeds in unison.

Should we not aspire for greater things? Do our voices not deserve to be heard?

I have said it once before, and I will repeat my warning in hopes that one day it will be understoo😛

We will unite or we will perish.

Ps. I have dipped in my stash and donated 20 gold to the State, and I urge others to do the same.

Gold has no use laying around on your account if you're not going to use it. The community has more use for it.

-Erwin Schauman
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Finland
Minister of Marmoset Affairs, Romania
Congressman of Southern Finland
His Lordship, the King of Moldova
Arch-Tyrant of the Despotic Kingdom of Draconia
High Priest of the Cult of Perkele
Free Mason
Fiancee of Soimu Patriei