The Resurrection of Haruhi Suzumiya (and the SOS Brigade)

Day 3,382, 11:19 Published in Japan Russia by shirosakura

Let's Save eJapan by Overloading it with Something fun!

Why the SOS Brigade?

From the depths of an interet-less purgatory, I have emerged more ready and willing than ever to get back into the fray and help my country succeed. To that end, I'm officially declaring my candidacy for Congress!

In a polarized environment like ours, it is the tendency of our nation to found neutral parties that often stand between the established ones in attempt to promote an atmosphere of unity and change in eJapan, and since the demise of the longtime United Lolies of Japan, this is a gap that has remained mostly unfilled until now. I truly believe the SOS Brigade is what our nation needs right now: An effort to keep eJapan and eRepublik fun, active, and worth our time. This is what our party is founded on.

Our party lines have been well recorded throughout our nation's history, and many of the things we stood for then, we stand for now. Check out the links for more information.

Plan for the Diet

So, what are our plans for the modern day eJapan? At it's core, the SOS Brigade exists to foster activity inside the game, so at the very least the continued publishing of news articles that engage with all of our citizens and abroad will make up the base of our policy. As our party grows and becomes more established, we'll expand with other initiatives that serve to make the game even more fun than before!

A large part of our political plans revolve around our member's wishes for a more peaceful eJapan. Unity and cooperation with all of eJapan's willing parties has always been the stance of the SOS Brigade, and this would continue into the new legislative session. The creation of a constitution remains our long-term goal, but in the short term, an overhaul of our immigration system and a Speaker of the Diet are what we're aiming for.

The Speaker of the Diet (or President of the Diet) would take the role as the facilitator of the Diet, and at the request of the Diet, Her Majesty the Empress, or members of the Cabinet, would be responsible for organizing a group message (either In-Game or in Discord) and/or a live Discord discussion time to debate, discuss, and vote on certain issues as a body. The Speaker of the Diet would be an elected representative of all of the currently siting congresspeople, and proceedings would be overseen by Her Majesty The Empresss Oraizan. The position would't hold any sort of special power, but instead have a responsibility to foster activity and discussion within eRepublik.

The resurgence of the SOS Brigade will hopefully represent a turning point in eJapanese domestic affairs, and with the precarious political situation that has occupied our attention for the past two years, changing or accomplishing anything will certainly be no easy task. But myself and the other members of the SOS Brigade are committed to doing whatever it takes to ensure our country can be fun for everyone again.

So everyone, haven't you always wished for a more exciting life? Join the SOS Brigade and on February 25th, support us in the election!

For a more fun eJapan!