The Rebirth of AMP

Day 776, 03:46 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

She moves to stand in front of the camera, behind her a black sheet provides the backdrop. Some recognizable people move to stand around her, senators, dropbears, army, AAR, up and coming leaders. Shauny_B, Arthur Cole, Bastien2, Dweezil, Dylan of darknessl... and ADP senator and all round commie good guy Aussie_Bloke are amongst them.

“I am sorry eAustralia, for the leadership that saw our nation invaded. For the perpetrators of this action to be allowed to run and hide like the true cowards they are.

I am sorry our president and various officials self exiled to the lands across the seas, and that our people once more face a choice where there is no true answer.

I am sorry that with the election set and the cabinets named it becomes clear that unless something happens to bring about change then we as a nation will never step beyond the borders imposed upon us by those we once considered gods.

For this, truly I am sorry.”
She looks over her shoulder at her companions and then lowers her eyes for a moment, the sentiment expressed by all. Taking a breath Larni finally continues,

“Much has been made of my plans for the AMP and much has been conducted in secrecy. I stand before you today to reveal the truth of my aspirations. Some of you already know, others have only an inkling.”

The same is true for the nation. There has been whispers down dark corridors, sideways glances of skeptics, raised eyebrows at some of the ideas we wish to implement and in moments I will reveal all.

First though I must I call upon the mighty Dropbears, and our other great soldiers, and veterans. You fight for a government who see you as no more than machines of political power and influence. There is no place for you in the political circles of the major parties, no allowances for those who give their lives to defend our great land.

I invite you to come home, to join us in the salvation of eAustralia. Bring your might to us and we will create a force that does more than simply defend us from attacks. We will take you off the leash!

Let it be known that we are Australian! When a bully comes to our lands let us do more than send them home with a broken nose. Let us set such an example that they will never consider setting foot on our soil again!

We are the strongest of allies and we are the fiercest enemy. Something our leaders have forgotten. It is time we stepped out of the sandpit Australia and take our place on the world stage.”
Stepping aside Larni motions to the backdrop and Aussie_Bloke grabs the cloth in his hand and pulls the black sheet revealing….