The Liberation of Moscow

Day 3,592, 12:43 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung

Last night Jimmy and I flew into Russia in a transport craft. Once we touched down on the runway we got our weapons and supplies out of the cargo hold.

Immediately we were asked to go to the front.

Upon arrival to the front it quickly became apparent that the Turks out number us.

The men at the front of the line were firing into an endless onslaught of attackers, rushing from all directions ahead of the line.

Men and women from across the world had come to defend and liberate Russia. A diverse mix of nationality littered the battlefield. Along with the remains of long dead individuals.

The shouts and screams erupting into the cold Russian air. Men and women alike all fighting tooth and nail in the name of freedom.

Explosions and gunfire were like an unholy serenade of death. everywhere men were digging into the ground. Some with bare hands. Digging just to survive and to momentarily lapse the gunfire. The Turks just wouldn't quit their relentless assault.

Just then a vast array of tanks appeared in the treeline across from us.

They opened fire destroying our position and proceeded to begin breaking up our front.

And that is when Jimmy and I moved onto the battlefield.

As we pushed forward the enemy tanks around us began to be struck down. One by one as we past they exploded high into the air sometimes bringing their guns with them.

We had not fired a single shot.

I glanced back for a second to see where the help was coming from. Hiding in some cover in our previously destroyed position sat Khorek. Khorek was using a Bazooka to cover our advancements.

Jimmy and I decided to take some cover behind a burnt out tank and I went out over the radio to ask Khorek to advance. We covered his advancement as he did for us.

He made his way down the battlefield taking cover in various craters and heaps of lifeless bodies.

Once he got to us I asked him what he was doing here.

He explained

"I am here on official ERF freedom fighter business to stand against the imperialistic ways of the Kebab alliance. Too long have they skewered the territories of the innocent, enough is enough! I will not rest until I have made a shishkebab out of all their highest ranking officers!"

I replied

"Well we have very little time to talk!""We must advance the line away from Moscow" "onward! Into the forests!"

We continued our advance until we arrived at the heart of the forest.
When we arrived we were greeted by a torrent of gunfire and tank rounds.

The Russians lead the advance into the enemy line.

I Opened fire from across the forest floor at a group of exposed eTurks. They quickly grabbed up the wounded and dove for cover. Suddenly, a Turk popped up from the brush ahead of me at 3 o'clock. He fired several shots at me, one of which went straight through my shoulder.

Left and Right men and women fell succumbing to their wounds. I Did everything I could to patch myself up and then proceeded to open fire. When I did so Several Turks were advancing. Immediately all of them Hit the floor.

To the left of me was a Swedish guy firing a mounted machine gun. He was struck and was unable to reload or fire his weapon.

I helped him to a medic and returned to fire the gun.

I used the last of my energy defending that line.

Jimmy decided that He was going to try to advance and before I could say a word he ran out into the fray. By this time it was late at night and the battlefield had died down a bit. A thick blanket of smoke lay ahead of the foxhole that I occupy. The Turks are probably mostly sleeping I thought.

All I could see through the smoke were the tops of the trees.

Less then 2 minutes after Jimmy ran into the smoke did I start to see flashes in the smoke clouds accompanied by loud screaming Turkish accents

The fight lasted several hours and I eventually started getting worried. I shouldn't be, I thought to myself. After all the whole time the flashes and Turkish shouting never stopped. After four hours Jimmy emerged from the smoke carrying a handful of dog-tags. Turkish Dog-tags.

To Be Continued...

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