The Debate: How to deal with the low turnout i eNorwegian elections?

Day 2,768, 02:38 Published in Norway Norway by Zinitus

Today we introduce an other column in Northern Light (NL), «The Debate». Since we, not yet, can have an discussion on “live media”, and therefore not can interact in “real-time”, this debate is done over some time, by sending an argument and counter argument between the two debaters. Most of the interview was done for some weeks ago, but I think the issue still has it`s actuality, since we do have an new congress-election in few days.

This time I have invited two politicians, whom both expressed amazements and dissapointments over the low participation in the electoral lists and attendance at the last congress election. The debaters today is CPresident M. de Ruyter from TeK, and Party President from NEC John Guerreiro

NL to John Guerreiro :
I will start with you, John Guerreiro from the party NEC; You said after the Congess-election, you where very disapointed about the low turnout in the election! Can you explain the problem for us?

John Guerreiro:
“First of all we need to explain that most of eRepublik people are young male that in their RL have no concern about politics. At once we must say that the politic module in eRepublik requires time and ideas. And people has not much of that at all. So we [have to] deal with these two main facts, and how we can get more people with political ideas to our country.

But the most important thing is how a small and unknown nation could be the target of new players. My idea turns around our values. We must be an open society, without sexism, homophobia, religious discrimination and that defends strongly the HUMAN RIGHTS. This ideas that have to be our main point.

If we achieve that, then we can try to convince all the norwegian community to get into political module. It will be hard and slow, but we must do something.”

NL To M. de Ruyter:
You were wondering why so many congress seats vere left by the last election. Do you have any thoughts about the reasons? Are you agree with Mr. Guerreiro in his analyse?

M. de Ruyter:
”Aye, we have more seats in our Congress then we have candidates. Personally I blame it to the dictator update, because Congress doesn't have anything to vote on ingame, only on forum which isn't direct democracy.

I very much agree with John that we have to seek new players for eNorway abroad, since rl Norwegians are not that keen in playing this game, and the ones that do play are mostly not that active. No offence of course to the few that are active. But let's face it: inactivity among eNorwegians is a huge problem.”

NL to both:
You are both agree to seek new players from abroad to get more engagement, but if the citizens you already HAVE don’t vote! I refer to the low participation/turnout inside the parties themselves? They do not even get the number of voters participating in elections equal the number of members? Do you have any suggestion how you politicans can inspire our current voters to the polls?

John Guerreiro:
“If we speak about our party (NEC) we can make a joke because we have all members active (2 from 2) but we only have two members. So our party is like Lenin's mummy, 😉 (NL: comment: this text was written some days ago - NEC has now got more members)

My suggestion is: patience, analize carefully who (and how) are the eRepublik citizens and be absolutely coherent with our speeches around the whole world”

M. de Ruyter:
”The dictator update made it far worse, and in a shorter period of time. The ones that came from abroad are the most active people in our society, only a few Norwegians that are active in Norway sadly to say. That is the million dollar question!”

NL To both:
Here is my last question: Competition in games and sports often contributes to great engagement. Do we have too little political differences and competition between the five parties in eNorway? How can the voters see any differences between you?

John Guerreiro:
"We are a "far-left" party and we don't take this like a game. eRepublik is more like a sociological experiment. We don't care about if we have ten people in congress or none. We are clear: we have a few principles ("All the power to the eSoviets") and we try to apply them in eRepublik. No more, no less..."