The CPP: A Party of Woes

Day 1,481, 13:29 Published in Canada Canada by Derakor
CPP: The Party of Woes

To the great and honourable members of the CPP,

The CPP has always been a party full of greatness. But with such greatness comes trials, changes, and even minor defeats. Even a party, as great as ours, has moments of weakness and is not free from problems.

Our party suffers. But why? What problem could cause so much unforeseen, and even almost ignored suffering? The problem is a lack of unity, inactivity and responsibility. Don’t be fooled into thinking this is all aimed at the PP of the last month of her Executives. In fact she is far from being in the center of the issue.

So who is? WE are. Each and every one of us. How can we sit back and watch, and when nothing is getting done the way we think they are we say “She must be doing a bad job.” or “If only she would do this.” However none of us offer to help. Offer our own time and energy in order to help the Party. How come we don’t sacrifice ourselves, and make ourselves the servants so that the whole of the Party, whether active member or 2-clicker, can reap the benefits of our labour? Is this not what Community is about?

How could a Party, that was founded on the principle of Service, Responsibility, Duty and Honour have gone so far in where inactivity is rampant, complaints are high, and the people left to do the job are ones who wish they didn’t have to?

We’ve betrayed ourselves, forsaken a long lost oath to uphold the very foundation of the Party. Ethel has done like many in the past has done. Endured and did her best in face of adversity and a Party full of empty halls, and do not think that the CSD is the salvation of the CPP, and its activity. The CSD is part in parcel, but without one the other is nothing, and means nothing.

This party needs to reunite, WE need to reunite, and come together, hand in hand, and step by step to prove to ourselves that we are a Community of one, and One of the Community. It’s up to us to step up and pick up the hammer, and start rebuilding the future, and we need someone, a Leader, who will focus us, strengthen us, and push us towards this new goal, for the good of all. Someone with a vision, a path to victory, a way to achieving that goal.

Therefore, I present to you, the great members of our community, the strength of the Party, the voice of the people, my Candidature in the Party Presidential Elections, together we can refine OUR Party, to not only be the #1 party in eCanada, but also be the most active, most respectable and the proudest party in the entire world!

But how? How do I plan on achieving this goal? How will I achieve victory in the face of such defeats of the past? This, my friends, is the question I wish to answer. Through my vision, in the form of a platform, will you fully understand the goals, by which I will direct the party to victory.

Point 1: Improvement

This will be done through a new policy which will be aptly named the Quality of Quantity policy which is clarified as such;

It is the policy of this Party President, and the Party Executives appointed under him, that the Party focus less on the recruitment of players in general, but focus more on Party Members who are of a higher quality, in regards to activity, and voter turn out, who will therefore become more concerned members who will be the future leaders of not only the Party, but of our Nation. We the Party Leadership, swear to uphold this policy, until the Party decides to change the policy, or until the Party President, and the Party Executives see fit to amend or disband this policy.

This means that we will slow down our recruitment, not stop, but reduce the amount of time we spend getting players to join the party, just for numbers and 2-clicker votes, and spend more time getting players who are part of the party in-game, and on-forums, to become more active.

To do this we will adopt a new policy requiring all active members to get in contact, and befriend at minimum 1 person on the in-game Party Membership list that has not been seen or heard from in-game, on the forums, or on the CPP IRC Channel. This duty, of seeing who is active and who isn’t, as well as ensuring that all Members have a different Non-Active Member to contact will be organized and overseen by the Party Recruitment Officer. Who will have a volunteer team of members to help in the sorting of names and assigning names to Active Members to contact. So here’s the Department of Recruitment’s structure:

Party Recruitment Officer
Deputy Party Recruitment Officer
Recruitment Officers (Minimum of 3 Officers, where more needed at the request of the PRO)

Also, we will be more actively promoting the Strategic Voting Team. This team will be committed to the Strategic placement of votes in order to gain maximum effectiveness in the amount of seats we win for our Party. The organization will be under the authority of the Director of Strategic Voting, who will head the Department of Strategic Votes, and oversee the organization of the Department as well as the placement of candidates and votes during Congressional Elections.

So here’s the DSV’s structure:

Director of Strategic Voting
Deputy Director of SV
Strategic Placement Officer (Minimum of 3 Officers, where more needed at the request of the DSV)

Lastly, we will push towards more media output of Party articles, which will be headed by the Director of Public Relations, who will be in charge of the Department of Public Relations. This department will be in charge of creating a number of Articles for the use of Recruitment, and telling the party membership about news within the party. This Department will be structured as such:

Director of Public Relations (Who will oversee the Department and edit all articles prior to being published)
Deputy Director of PR
Public Relations Officer (3 Officers ONLY)

Point 2. Maintenance

Maintenance is such an important thing to remember, especially for a party. Without some stability, the Party could be subject to overhauls in areas that it deems not necessary, which would be a waste of energy and resources.

One such example would be the CSD, which is the CPP’s official Military Unit, and will remain so. The structure will remain unchanged unless the leadership of the MU changes. The Party President has no authority to change that leadership, only to influence members of the Party to join the MU, or influence the Leaders to either step down or step up. However the Party President has no official say in the ongoings of the MU of it’s overall organization.

This does not mean politically the MU doesn’t answer to the Party Council or the Party President and his Executives where needed. Now the Official Party Position for the leaders of the MU will be the Director of Strategic Forces, where a Deputy will be appointed under him.

Also, in order to maintain order on the forums, and to ensure that justice is provided in the event of a member going against any rules or limits set by the Party President, the Party Executives or the Party Council, there will be the creation of the Department of Party Affairs headed by the Director of Party Affairs, who with his Deputy will moderate the forums and will organize any Disciplinary hearings in the event a CPP Disciplinary Tribunal is in need of session. This will hopefully reintroduce our party as a party of respect, duty and honour, as well as rid our party of corrupt minds. We will no longer tolerate any disrespect.

Disrespect includes backroom deals, the disrespect to the organization and process of the CPP, its Administrative Body, and all members within it. Anyone who does not handle himself with the interests of the Party at heart, but of his own interests, is therefore against the Party, and will be dealt with accordingly.

Point 3. Time

I’m asking for time, time to take our Party forward in a new way, and with new hope and direction. My philosophy is like of a man wishing to build a house Through his vision the house is seen, but there’s a lot of hard work, and he chooses his team by which to achieve the end result. The end of his vision. This my friends is how we will succeed. With blood, tears, and hard work. Through unity, camaraderie, respect, sacrifice and service, no matter the circumstance.

My brothers, our party has to rise up again, and you can do something about it. We must reunite ourselves into the Community we are. With me as your Leader, and with the Cabinet I have chosen, we can do great things! I only ask you to make the right choice, the Paradoxian choice, towards a bright and victorious future. One that will be told for months to come!

For eCanada! For the Future! For the CPP! Onwards Paradoxia!