The Complex - Presidential Endorsement

Day 2,872, 12:50 Published in USA Japan by ForgottenCrow

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Readers,

So as many of you know, the presidential elections are coming up not before too long. So with that being said, I would like to cast my endorsement for possibly one of the best candidates out there, Gnilraps. You read it right, I personally find Gnilraps to be one of the best possible candidates for eUSA.

He has many qualities that make him perfect for the position of President of The United States and Dictator of our glorious eNation.

So with that being said. Gnilraps has my full support for his race to become CP/D. And if you need any help with anything, cough Graphics cough. I can try to throw some things together for you at a moments notice.

You have earned my respect and admiration in the short period of time that I've known you, and with that being said. I know my brothers and sisters of EZC have your back.

Thank You,
~Only truth may transcend greater heights of the complexity in which delivers a stronger individual.