The Black Wednesday !!

Day 386, 07:32 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by darkyojimbo

My dear fellow Indonesian and eWorld citizens

Just a moment ago when I checked the monetary market, I found something astounding. The offers were gone, LITERALLY GONE !!
I tried to to calm myself and logoff then login again to check whether the problem was temporary or not. And I find myself facing a disastrous reality. The offers are really GONE ! I checked my other Organizations offer in other currency.. Guess what, GONE too.

Ok, now I began to panic, and I ask my friends to check the monetary market as well. And they confirmed that the offers are truly gone.

This is THE BLACK WEDNESDAY, the day when the Monetary Market Crash and Burn. Is it because of the FLAW of the system or is it just a simple coincidence? I doubt the latter.

My friend wherever you are, please vote this article and add your own comment so the eGOD will read it, and somehow fix this..



Citizen of eWorld

PS: I lost some golds as well