The Australian Military Party breaks the Top 5

Day 793, 18:16 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

On this day The Australian Military Party has officially come back with such a strength even I did not anticipate this day happening after only a few weeks.

Today we break into the top 5 and push the Communists back into their place in the lower parties. All this while a bunch of our soldiers still on deployment.

It is a sure sign that the AMP is back as a political party. Uniting citizens across our nation in our common goal and avoiding the shady tactics of ‘other’ parties.

It is with great honour that I sit in the Presidents seat of this awakening giant.
In three weeks the AMP has woken from its slumber to become something that many claimed impossible.

Many did not believe.

Now do you?

Join the AMP today and become part of this great team. The AMP walks in the light with our head held high and shoulders proud.