The Assasinoi

Day 1,293, 07:05 Published in Greece Greece by katsolinos

The Assasinoi

The Assasinoi
Passing from Persia Marco Polo in 1273 could only meet the fort and the valley of Alamout, seat of the terrible Elder Mountain and the Assasinon. There he worked as a preacher (Sabah, the famous "Elder person" or "ruler of the Mountains» (Sheik-al-Jebal) and gained many fans with the help of which occupied the Persian fortress of Alamut (northwestern Iran) or "nest of vultures. "Taking that allowed him to impose a singular terrorist domination. Sabah, the famous" Elder person "or" ruler of the Mountains »(Sheik-al-Jebal), according to the tradition, it never descended from the mountain fortress until his death, writing and dealing with the administration of the territory.
Castle Alamout passed in Islamic history as the "eagle"
What did the Old Man of the Mountain preserving the atmosphere of terror in the Middle East and Europe by Marco Polo recounts among other travelers of the era of the late Middle Ages. So does the discerning traveler and the others who went from Asia feeling the hot breath of the atmosphere masked Assasinon not told us things absolutely right.
The name Assasinoi is today in most Western European languages ​​synonym of 'killer'. In fact Assasinoi was something more: a mystical Islamic order, which was active in the Middle East in the period between the 11th and 13th century whose aim was the imposition by the terror caused by the members, assassinating public heterodox (Sunni) or different religion (Christian Crusaders) leaders in the region. The Assasinoi believed thereby destabilize the regimes of the Middle East by facilitating the dominance of the congregation. In this sense, but their participation in it was only a ritual preparation for death, as the public nature of their murderous actions were a natural outcome of death and themselves.
Who was it that Assasinoi?
First are the recommendations: they were Ishmaelites. The Ismaili Assasinoi So, having named according to all indications from the word "chasisin" which in Arabic means "those who smoke hashish, was a major sectarian (Shiite) dynasty that developed in two key sectors the first in Persia in the period 1090-1256 and the second in Syria from about 1100 until 1273. The dynasty was spread both sectors were the biggest threat to kingdoms of the time, Muslim and Frankish, until he finally broke from the large Kurdish commander Saladin (Salah al-Din) in the late 12th century.
Founder of assasinikou battalion was Hasan ibn Sabah, who was born around 1040 and studied in Qom and Nisapour, Sabah, who hailed from the city of Qom Kchorasan of Persia, was a bully or dais (= missionary) in high school science Cairo, the famous "Gallery of Wisdom" where the fellow was beyond the famous Persian poet Omar Khayyam quatrains roumpagiat and omniscient Persian Prime Minister (Grand Vizier) of the Seljuk Sultanate of Baghdad al-Nizami Moulki, a real "Michael Psellos" Seljuk ... Hasan, the first ruler of nizaridikis assasinikis dynasty of the Persian branch, author of theological and doctrinal works, he gave the example of asceticism and strict lifestyle, and did not hesitate to perform and his two sons.
During the seven rulers of the successor Hassan Assasinon victims of various public figures of the era, such as the omniscient Nizami al-Moulki, some Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad and prominent Latino crusaders such as Raymond of Tripoli (in 1152) and Korrados of Montferrat (in 1192).
Europe's attention attracted initially Assasinon blind loyalty to their leader, since he was willing to die for the sake of their masters. He was trained to know foreign languages ​​and to pass unnoticed in the courts of other kings, so when they approached their target in only a short distance murdered with a knife! next was that they themselves had no chance of escape. And despite all this going!
What say the news arrived from the East?
According to the narrative of Marco Polo, the old man had put close to a valley between two mountains and turned into paradise. There he built the most beautiful palaces, where the naturally circulating urea paradise, the most beautiful girls in the world, playing all kinds of instruments and music, dancing and singing sweet and nice, and ran into the grooves of wine, milk, honey and water. Nobody left the old man to get into the garden, except for those intended for Assasin's. And they were entering not so simple. Nurture had earlier stories about the paradise they encounter, as did Muhammad, and they, young children, waited for paradise as something real. When the time came, to throw a drink lulls them, put them in the Garden when they wake up they really thought they were in Paradise. The girls erototropousan freely with them and the young would not want to ever leave this paradise outside ... a temporary leave for a murder and then return back