The 4th salutes you

Day 593, 15:44 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

Read that first.

Well, we lost.

We were close, but we lost.

The 4th lost. The unbeatable 4th is no longer unbeatable.

Well, now that that's all out of the way, I feel like I need just to say thanks to everyone who supported us.

"The 4th was better at rallying outside support"

That's why I feel like I need to say thanks.
Thanks to all of the congressmen (and women) who supported us.
Thanks to all of the cabinet ministers for supporting us.
And of course, thanks to all of the ordinary citizens who donated and voted my last article to well over 100 votes. (Yeah, that was a shock for me too)

And now to the 12th, you beat us, fair and square. We outdamaged you, but you out spammed us. We donated a lot, yet you donated just a teensy weensy bit more. You were great competition, and all I'm going to say is...

You won

this time.