That Good Feeling

Day 646, 13:34 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

It's amazing what can happen when you are backed up against a wall. As I have said before, I escaped from New Jersey just before it fell to the scummiest of the PEACE scum, Russia. I had no food. I couldn't keep a job. I was too weak to fight in the Army and had absolutely no idea where to find a hospital. Today, however, I received my first promotion in the Army - I AM NOW A CORPORAL!!!

I know many of you are probably thinking, "Big deal... A Corporal is NOTHING!!!" Well, that may very well be true, but for a homeless man who narrowly escaped the clutches of Russia and was near death on the streets of Florida, it means A LOT. IT gives me "That Good Feeling".

I have "That Good Feeling" whenever I fight against PEACE scum. I have "That Good Feeling" when I publish an article and get paid for it. I get "That Good Feeling" when I purchase weapons to help in my fight against the imperialistic PEACE. I get "That Good Feeling" when I earn money at the job that I have kept for over a day. I have "That Good Feeling" when I am able to donate money to the Welcoming Committee so that someone... maybe even me... can win a house.

You can get "That Good Feeling" too. Help out in the war! Follow the DoD Orders to maximize your effectiveness. Just a few days ago, USA was only one state. Today, we are six states, with a battle raging in New Mexico. Get out there and help take back our nation; you will surely get "That Good Feeling".

You can get "That Good Feeling" by helping out the Welcoming Committee. Send $5 USD and to enter in their latest raffle. There is no limit to the amount of tickets you can buy. You'll be helping an organization that helps American people get on their feet! You might even win a house. If you already have one, I know someone who needs one! (wink)

"That Good Feeling"... It sure does feel good!

- - "Corporal" Jude Connors