Thank you note

Day 574, 08:57 Published in Switzerland Russia by Smirnoff
Thank you note

Thank you guys, who voted for me, who asked to vote for me, and who simply wanted to vote but it was too late.
I have been very busy that day and could barely open the erepublik from my cellphone.
Thanks for controlling the elections and letting me become the president of the Theocratic Pesciolin Party. Let's work together to protect our state and make it even stronger.

I also want to congratulate all other party presidents.

Special thanks

I always felt that I am here for a reason. And I have met a lot of people in here. I just feel that I have to say thank you to people who helped me in some way or another through my career.
Special thanks for Calangao for writing an article for me
King Kamran for providing me with some inspirational supplies to fight in Italy and return back for the party presidency,
Dio Maksas and Dio Akira for talking to me and encouraging me to step up into politic career here in Holy Land of Theocracy,
Rikwandi for getting me into the whole thing (damned,
Vegaicm for accepting (damn him too),
Gigimon for being a great ex-commander,
Hostilian for being awesome (i like your name 😉),
MacEron for providing with great weapons which brought me Battle Hero Medal,
Dark Player for being an inspiration and hero.
Edward for dragging along with me
Someone whom I forgot. I know a lot of people helped during my journey here.

Congress Note

Well, let's get down to business. If you want to become a congressman and serve Theocracy or if you want to get a medal only, you have to contact me in advance. I will only allow you to run for Congress after the approval of Dios.
The Congress Nominations will be given out on First Come- First Serve basis.
There are 20 spots in Congress but there are only 4 parties. So act quick and let us (the party presidents, CMDRs, and Dio's) know in advance.

Motto Note