Thank You Australian New Ideas Party

Day 835, 01:18 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

For the past fourteen days, or so, I have been a member of the Australian New Ideas party. I felt I had to do this so that people could dissociate my own personal views from the Australian Military Party and so that the AMP President Wally Wilson could do his job. He has come through with flying colours and I cannot wait to see what the next Party President of the AMP will accomplish.

In my time in the ANI I have met a good group of active members who welcomed me with open arms. I have seen their plans for the future, offered my own take on things, and I am sure they will be the next big movers in the political world. I encourage all to give their party a look, new players and seasoned vets alike. In the ANI your voice will be heard and encouraged and as they shake off the shackles they had to endure, this party will grow in leaps and bounds. The ANI are much like the AMP in that they have a strong and active members base and grasp the concepts essential in the game dynamics. I wish them well in the future and await the time where they will break into the top 5.

As for me, it’s time I go home to my family.