Test Article

Day 823, 06:07 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

As I've involved myself in the United Independents, I’ve learned to appreciate all of its members. The party alone cannot run on one person’s shoulders, thus we need everyone to pitch in. I’m hoping to make the party more active by increasing the amount of cabinet positions to not only get more people into cabinet, but to get more people active in the mainframe of the party politics. I would like everyone to participate in how the party runs.

This term I plan to point Cabinet in the right direction. Last term we had an “issue”, the issue being that our cabinet was inefficient and unproductive. I’m opening more spots in the party cabinet, not only to lighten the burden on the select players who manage those day to day responsibilities, but to increase the amount of new explorative UIP’ers in cabinet. Positions include (but are not limited to): Chief of Business, Chief of Publications and Chief of Staff. The Chief of Business is the assistant to Secretary of Business and will fill in when the SecBus is incapable of completing their job. They can also fill out the progress reports (due once a week) that will start to be enforced. The Chief of Publications backs up the SecPub with advice or comments. Additionally, they gather information to be used in the UIP articles. The Chief of Staff will gather all the weekly reports and compile them into a Google document. Afterwards, the the cabinet would analyze said reports). With these positions open, there will need to be some training (for the new people), but I imagine once it gets rolling we can get a lot more accomplished this term.

Although reforming Cabinet is the biggest goal out of all of them, I will also focus on other important ones. For example, next on the list is recruitment. We recruit everyday and help all the new users regardless of whether or not they join the party. I believe it’s time for us to shine. I would like to create a follow-up message to recruitment that would re-message the new members a few days after the original message (when level 7 is accomplishable) basically to remind them, "Hey, we are here, and we are awesome". More work, yes, but better results.


Why You Should Vote Nicholas
Time for a little self indulging 🙂. Why should you vote for Herr Nicholas? I’m not here to brag about being the best, but I’m definitely not the worst. If push comes to shove, I will make sure to accomplish at least one of my goals. I’ve done many things in my short lapse of eLife. From the beginning; I started off as a FuS (Flying Unicorn Squadron) member and from there I went on to joining the CDP (Community Development Project – DoI) and later became the Deputy Director of the CDP (still am to date) I joined UIP when the DemReps were taken from us (tear drop) and pushed for my current position as SoR (Secretary of Recruitment). During my brief months with UIP, I’ve became more active on the forums, IRC and in-game politics. I’ve been a eUS Congressman twice (both for Henan). I’ve been around the block and I don’t plan on letting UIP fall during my time in Office. You should vote for me because I have the party’s best hopes in mind, and I have a plan to accomplish said hopes.

TL😉R Credentials
- Current CDP Admin. We work on new citizen retention. Without a good backing, no country will ever be great. We have to keep our eBabies alive for tomorrow's future.
- Current FuS (Flying Unicorn Squadron) member. We help new users get situated in a Q5 region (fortress state).
- Former Military TC (Training Corps) Recruit
- Current Military MI (Mobile Infantry) Recruit
- United Independents Party SoR (Secretary of Recruiting) x2
- Deputy Ambassador for the eUSA to the eNetherlands
- Congressman to Henan x2

Regardless of the outcome, I appreciate everyone who’s endorsed me thus far. If I’m elected into office, I will do my best to fulfill everyone’s expectations. If not, I can’t say I didn’t try 🙂 This is beyond exciting in my honest opinion and will help me further my career in eRepublik. I thank everyone for all their hard work and dedication to the UIP. I will see my candidates on the battlefield (pulls his helmet down).