Syukuran untuk anak gw / Thanksgiving for my son

Day 1,651, 00:56 Published in USA Pakistan by BadMail

maaf acara ini terlambat, karena saya baru masuk kerja hari ini setelah cuti selama satu minggu
sorry the show was too late, because I've come to work today after a leave of absence for one week

alhamdulillah telah lahir anak saya pada tanggal 21 Mei 2012 pukul 16.57 Waktu Indonesia Barat atau tanggal 21 Mei 2012 pukul 02.57 Erep Time.
thank God my son was born on May 21, 2012 at 16:57 West Indonesia Time or May 21, 2012 at 2:57 Erep Time.

dan dalam waktu yang hampir bersamaan, saya juga menjadi God of War di erepublik ini.
and in almost the same time, I am also became a God of War in this Game.

oleh karena itu saya ingin berbagi kebahagiaan saya dengan teman-teman di game ini dengan membagikan 1000 tank q6 untuk komentar pertama sampai ke seratus. (1 pemain mendapat 10 tank q6)
therefore I would like to share my happiness with my friends in this game by distributing 1000 q6 tank for the first up to a hundred comments. (1 player get 10 tank q6)

1 pemain 1 komentar
1 player 1 comments

jika ada pemain yang komentar lebih dari satu kali, maka pembagian tank q6 akan dibatalkan.
if there are players who comment more than once, then distibution of q6 tank will be canceled.

tank akan diberikan setelah mencapai 100 pemain yang berhak mendapatkan tank.
tank will be provided after reaching 100 players will qualify for the tank.


Sorry for My BadEnglish, I am Just BadMail

1 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to 83224 Love.
2 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to aerodactyl.
3 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Reggie van D.
4 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to battosai.reborn.
5 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to F16 Fighter.
6 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Tusheng.
7 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to nenengedan.
8 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to fairgr.
9 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to MRizky.
10 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Pak Bongkot.
11 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to DoOmHaMmEr.
12 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Mascarelo.
13 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to AGGELOS_K.
14 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to IcemanTheDestroyer.
15 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to bukangame.
16 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to arsened.
17 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to rtdimitrov.
18 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Elle Dinar Andari.
19 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to diad.
20 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to burnfreedom.
21 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Si Kabayan.
22 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Canester.
23 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to ow santeaja.
24 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to MadamChikas.
25 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Khair ad Din.
26 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Roboa.
27 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Kaka D Alz.
28 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to G30.Jr.
29 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to V A N D C.
30 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to 69mobilbalap26.
31 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to yodhi saputra.
32 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to GeneralDiponegoro.
33 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to OptimaX.
34 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to hoverge.
35 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to mwolf.
36 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to hasnan.
37 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Mongis.
38 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Lodzia tak.
39 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to freedom fighter 1.
40 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to theirina.
41 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to oboj.
42 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to aovelhanegra.
43 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to basilicus.
44 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Coyolxauhqui V.
45 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to riansya.
46 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to seascifi.
47 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Tripletrack.
48 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to aviantomarinda.
49 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Max Cahyadi.
50 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Zenard.
51 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to yulianing.
52 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to progressiver.
53 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Sir Indonesis.
54 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Mwi Adi Salim.
55 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Pie Poe.
56 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Maximus Sammitto.
57 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Skyfury.
58 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Hostilian.
59 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to pakistanii.
60 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Peter Santoso.
61 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to akmalaputra.
62 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Danu van Davit 2.
63 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Consus.
64 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to barbar.
65 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to wSBk.
66 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to forest_gump.
67 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to nwmaxxx.
68 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to tanpa.
69 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to thorest.
70 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to PupuJuku.
71 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to imobil.
72 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Yandi Purba.
73 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Schoft.
74 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Dommol.
75 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Raihan Indrawan.
76 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Diana23.
77 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Bindz.
78 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to aban.
79 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to kijang_culun.
80 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Under The Sea.
81 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Dorgenark.
82 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Mahesa Wonga Teleng.
83 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Billy Chandra.
84 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to irvan permana.
85 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Le Qordevila.
86 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to wreckage1.
87 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Gnilraps.
88 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to henchee.
89 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to AsuQy.
90 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to novi17.
91 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Yan Wenli.
92 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Ekrem Chehab.
93 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to RebornOfChaos.
94 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to AncientSquare.
95 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Carnegie.
96 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Arif Hakim.
97 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to Kelias.
98 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to neo_Ryan.
99 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to j4k4rt4.
100 Successfully transferred 10 item(s) to koevman.


player with that number donate get 2 Gold \o/