Suggestion to implement the "most contested battles" after the event ends

Day 3,288, 12:58 Published in Switzerland Belgium by Franckie18

Hello guys,

I just got this idea about the contested battles and I would like to share it with you in order to see if you like it and if this could inspire admins.

The most contested battle would be implemented in the game as "most contested battle ever" this means a battle becomes "most contested battle ever" in case it reaches the previous highest amount of damage done in a battle.

If the most damage thrown in a battle ever was 40 bilions in D4, we will have a "contested battle" in case a new battle reaches 40 bilions. Let's asume 20 more bilions are done in this new battle (which brings the battle to a total of 60 bilions damages), the next "contested battle" will appear when a battle in D4 reaches 60 bilions damage.

The "most contested battles" would behave like in the event right now, and thus give 3 prestige points / hit.

Would we never have a contested battle again because one had too much damage ? NO, because we are all gaining strength and rank, so we will always at a certain moment catch up this amount of damage and get a new most contested battle.

The most contested battles would be different in each different division, and also in the aircraft battles.

Why adding such a change ?

Simply because current epic battles are all except epic. You get at least 3 epic battles every Tuesday at weekchange in battles that are only Training Wars for most of them and this makes it boring.

I have to admit the most contested battles would be very very rare (maybe one / month in divisions 1, 2 and 3 and once every 2-3 months in division 4), but wouldn't that make them even better and crazier ? And why not rewarding countries that win those rounds by granting them 3 times the points of the round (15 points for a most contested D4 battle for example) ?

I really hope you like this idea because I currently would find this awesome. If some of you find negative points about it in the chat, tell me, I'd be glad to have your reactions !

Thanks for reading,

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