Still waiting, And still missing my e-friends!

Day 2,240, 14:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by pop George

Without getting into details, my computer is in the process of getting fixed (ha ha), a case of where real life is taking it's cue from this game, what I mean is players here ( insert any stinking elite from the eUS)figure the are so much smarter than the rest of us that don't bother to cheat (typing into a box that is only two lines ans short ones at that isn't helping my distorted train of thought), anyway the person that gave me the computer then offered yet again to have it fixed won't bother letting me have a brief conversation with one one person in his employ that could answer the questions that would solve the computers problem, cause that guy is busy making said person his money. Running out of time, so if nothing else makes sense, I think of you all and hope to re- jion the game sooner than latter!

Latter, for now.....