Day 3,012, 12:29 Published in Serbia Cuba by General Dmitri

I am going to write something of erepublik, you will like it.

Ok so we start with some reviews, I just write the bad things that the employer says so if you want to read all, I put the link at the end or maybe no.

Just copy, no change.

Employers Opinion

- Management (CEO and COO, basically) kills the company. They think they know everything and they understimate workers, ignore users and manage to kill projects before even starting them.
- Career opportunities tend to zero. You will be doing always the same stuff. In the Bucharest office they misuse the term Project Manager, but don't believe you will be in charge of any projects.
- There are no perks or benefits. Yes, there's a Xbox, an arcade machine and some other stuff. But it is only user to show off and create hype in videos or pics.
- They sell this lean-startup image where everything is unicorns, candy and butterflies, but it's a lie. There's no horizontal structure, in your day to day work you will use a twisted version of scrum and management won't value your opinions.

- Very low quality top management, two guys that think they know everything (game design, marketing, agile methodology etc.) but their results are close to disaster. Even so, they micromanage almost every single aspect of the company.
- Although they claim it's a startup you can meet more rules and regulations than in an old corporation
- They fire or force to leave any other manager or good employee to explain their incompetence in front off other or the board
- The freedom of thinking is quite limited, you are forced to satisfy not the final customer but the top management
- New products pr new features are decided based on what the top management likes not what the market needs

Unfortunately there is a long list:
Currently the company has some issues (the project they developed in Madrid hasn't reached the expected results after two years of development so they laid off people, cut off English classes and other benefits.
Even if the COO pretends to be experienced, the products development stages are not following classic steps (competition benchmarks, adding innovation factors, there is no GDD etc.). Also he is not defending the product in front of CEO and he never really knows to estimate technical tasks.
Both COO and CEO think they are experts in marketing so that no person in that department resists more than 6-8 months.
The same they are ''very good'' game designers so if you are not acting as they say you're free to go (the results about how good they are can be seen in the very low retention the project they did have).

- low quality manipulative management team
- full of corporate cliches
- no performance rewards
- employees being asked to work overtime with no compensation
- employees being forced to take a day or two off from their paid vacation days if they can't/don't want to attend a team building

To much gold focus
Not putting enough focus on having a clean and fair game (AP develope/bugs)
Really bad customer service

Well you can see, srry CEO, there is bad organization

So, we have see some employers opinion.

But now its time to see, some pictures of what are the employers doing

"Working hard in fixing the economy"
The economy can't wait, until I enter the olimpics

The big meeting when they change the buttoms, all the team was there to celebrate

Its time to eat some fruit q5.

I don't have more interest photos, if you have another send me, now are we going to the salarys.

Software Developer --- 32k to 34k
Game Crafter --- 32k to 34k
Game Programmer --- 32k to 34k

Its seems a pretty salary for all the work they do.

OK, I complain about the game, but what I will do to change it?

I don't like Plato, I prefer Plato's daughter its name is Diana, send to tickets to the game so she will become the owner of the game.

That's all for today 😃

Comon, some money for my trainning!! 😃


Plato's daughter [+1]
Erepublik ping-pong [+1]
Gold focus [+1]