Starry Night

Day 3,160, 12:15 Published in India India by Murthu

For thousands of years, Man has taken grand efforts to live forever. From the expeditions searching for the ‘The Fountain of Youth’ to the minds wasted searching for the alchemic ‘Philosopher’s Stone’.

In the more modern times, we had medicine. Medicines, doubling life spans and thus ensuring that Grand-parents can now we a part of their Grandchildren’s weddings.

Post-millennium, bionics, stem cells and gene modifications rebelled into the scene. Opposed, sometimes violently, by people who thought it wouldn’t be a good idea to live forever. People, who could afford it, disagreed. Also scientists, who understood evolution.

What do I want? According to astronomers, in around 4 billion years, the Milky-Way and Andromeda Galaxy will collide and merge, resulting in one of the most fantastic nights skies ever. Who wouldn’t want to live long enough for that?