Spotlight on the Women of eAustralia

Day 554, 01:24 Published in Australia Australia by Edwina P. Montague III

This is the first in a series (I hope) of interviews with some of the influential female citizens of eAustralia. In my ongoing effort to reachout to my fellow eSisters and raise the profile of our sadly under-represented gender in this "game", I have decided to spotlight their achievements, their experiences and their thoughts about their role in building our eNation. I hope you enjoy.

Reminisce - Renegade Redback

1. Tell me your most exhilirating moment in this "game".

So far, probably my first-ever gifting run as a Redback. I’m not sure who my dropbear was or what war it was in, since back then I paid less attention to what was happening in eRep than I do now. It sure was fun feeling involved though 😃

2. Who are your mentors or do you have any in eRepublik?

Hmm…I don’t really have mentors as such, but I have a lot of people I respect in eRep.
Ranger has got to be one of the most patient, level-headed and understanding people around.
Cerridwen-Voeland is a super-business-woman from what I’ve seen, and her company AusEAid is evidence of her willingness to act when everyone else would be happy to just talk about solutions.
Br0adside and Preditorian always stand up for whatever they believe in. I think they all have traits that I respect. And they’re all very helpful to people, which was probably the reason I ended up staying in eRep back as a level 1.

3. How have you helped build this young nation of eAustralia?

Probably through being a Redback, gifting the Dropbears a few times. I also fought in the resistance wars which were negotiated to give us our regions back, like a lot of other eAussies. I didn’t do much damage, but I guess every little bit helps. Also, sending messages to all the eIndonesians in Queensland when we realised they were fighting against us (the resistance war was supposed to be them surrendering Queensland to us, but some of them seemed to be confused and were fighting back). We offered them moving tickets to get them to Indonesian-owned regions. Out of all the H-K names, only two actually requested tickets, but at least they were given the option.

4. What, ultimately, do you want to get out of this eworld? fame, fortune, fun?

I’d settle for fun 😁 Fame and fortune are good too, but the most important one to me would definitely be fun. I wouldn’t mind starting my own company, but that would be more for the experience and being a manager than anything else. Most things in eRep require more time than I currently have, so I prefer to just watch and learn in preparation for the day when I do have time, and then I’ll hopefully be able to do things properly.

5. Do you think women have a role to play in this game in particular?

I think they definitely do. Generally, and with no intention to gender-stereotype, I’d say that women seem good as negotiators.Also, eRep is supposed to be ‘the new world’. If it’s meant to resemble the world, there should be a noticeable female presence. I’m still waiting for an eAussie woman to emerge from hiding and climb the ranks into the senate, I would be very impressed.