Sir Valaro Volcrum and My Run For President

Day 732, 10:10 Published in Israel USA by Alexander Valkor II

Shalom eIsraeli Brothers!

Today I announce my candidacy for the Presidency of eIsrael. We are in a time of turmoil. Turmoil and thievery. Israel has been robbed. Israel has been invaded. Israel has been betrayed. Israel has been robbed by Sadeh Badeh. Israeli has been robbed by JMatH. Turkey has invaded us due to renegade President, JMatH's actions AFTER he stole our treasury. We have been betrayed by those we have elected to these highest of offices.

Not this time.

I, Sir Valaro Volcrum, come before you to offer my services and commitment and most of all... my integrity to become ePresident of Israel.

As many of you do not know, I have had a lot of experience leading massive organizations of people, a prolonged career in background politics (ambassador, congressman, party president, UZSP Founder, Ministry head) and in relation to these, I have been given a lot of trust.

Trust that I have not betrayed.

While in the eUnited States, I commanded the largest branch of the eUS military. The United States Mobile Infantry. Holding over 450 men and women when I took command along with over 375 gold a WEEK, I had lots of power, significant influence and most of all, access to lots and LOTS of money.

This trust, I never betrayed. I value relationships over some kind of digital currency.

I have not abused my use of funds as Minister of Defense for the IDF. Although yes, I have had much less funds, I have made more use of it, stretching it out and managing it well until it was stolen.

My major platform points are as follows.

Leadership You Can Trust.

Leadership That Is Active and Available. I am on Yahoo Messenger through my phone and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I'm also a forum admin.

Experience. As the longtime Minister of Defense for the State of Israel, I have been around for the biggest decisions. I have seen what does and does not work.

Reform The Leadership.

This is not your traditional "President/Vice President" ticket that I am running with. I have decided to utilize the strengths of each of two players to the full potential possible. My experience lies with managing large groups of people (about twice the active population of eIsrael), foreign policy and defense policy. My running mate is an economic mastermind and is knowledgeable in domestic policy. We are running with a "President/Prime Minister" ticket, although it is a bit different than real life.

What it comes down to is this. President = Head of State and Prime Minister = Head of Government. I guide the nation as President, using my power and influence to better Israel, while I also control the nations military (Commander-In-Chief) with the Prime Minister second in command of the military. However in all matters domestic, such as choosing Ministers and doing a Chief of Staff like job, the Prime Minister effectively has as much power as I would. Our goal is power sharing, work distribution and in case of emergency the Prime Minister could take over.

This is to ensure that Israel always has a leader present if one of us disappears. It will also ensure that the workload will be more distributed so as President I would be able to concentrate on leading instead of managing and running the government.

I will be announcing my running mate in the near future.

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Leadership You Can Trust!

Sir Valaro Volcrum
Israeli Minister of Defense
eIsraeli Patriot