Set Adrift in the Ancient Future.

Day 3,558, 14:54 Published in USA USA by Dariuswolff

It is somewhat difficult to write an article about not much at all. Far harder in fact than writing something about something. I give it a shot daily, strictly for my own amusement, and for a few friends and readers with eclectic tastes who can appreciate that at times it is easier to get lost in the zen universe of our minds than it is in the real world, what ever that may be.

If we are ever to discern if there is any true difference between solipsistic
arguments and those made by nihilists, we must grab and examine some of the most minute and arcane ideas just to try and convince ourselves that there actually is something outside the self and it might be worth pursuit.

Or, barring all else, perhaps I am just making this crap up and trying to sell it to you, whole cloth, because I had no idea what I was going to write about, but still feel some obligation to write something. You know, Jerry Seinfeld made a billion bux off of a show about nothing much at all, so, perhaps there is merit in the idea. On the other hand, perhaps I am conducting some strange and wonderful test designed by an advanced alien race. You are the best, and in fact, the only judge.

As ever, bear in mind that this is my therapy and it enables me, no matter how temporarily, to ignore the voices in my head. Remember, a degree is a terrible thing to waste, so never drop a thermometer.

As always, please have a great day.