Sell your gold peoples of the world!

Day 2,607, 11:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Il Padrino di mafiosi

Use the monetary market to sell directly gold to those offering to buy it on the GBP:gold market: make your country proud by helping all citizens! At the moment there is a massive surplus, and since e game only let's the value drop to 3 decimal places nobody is willing to buy gold for less than 0.005 to every 1GBP.

The only way we can end this market failure solve it is if we all start selling gold directly to buyers already advertising or if everybody starts placing cheaper gold selling offers on the gol😛GBP market.

End this market travesty now! Do your bit!

Or alternatively keep all of your gold and spend it on yourself... Or donate to your country!

Quote of the day: The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing- Socrates