Second Amendment -subsection 3 the right to bunny arms

Day 730, 21:37 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

Second Amendment -subsection 3 the right to bunny arms

I've had a long week in real life. Before that I was stuck in eHungary for a while and didn't feel like posting anything until I came back. Frankly there has been more going on in the game then I can hope to cover. Indonesia, Hungary, then Russia all left PEACE. We made actual peace with France and started fake war with Ireland. And lastly the president of Israel turned out to be a schmuck.

Power players in PEACE leaving the alliance provoked even the Admins to comment, and that was just when Indonesia alone left. I don't mean to slight Italy or Ukraine, not at all but when the USA thinks of MPPs to fear; Indo, Hungary and Russia are the first that come to mind.

Quoting the second to last">eRep Insider;

"One thing is certain, PEACE alliance will never be the same again.Some Eden members started to celebrate the anticipated crumble of PEACE, but it looks like the alliance it's just going to rely on other pillars (like Hungary, Serbia and Russia) and not going to collapse, like Atlantis did."

This is a reasonably important event in eRep politics and warfare. While we have to wait until MPPs stop being renewed for it to have an all encompassing difference in our own defenses and potential offenses, the">little nations of PEACE have already started feeling the threats from their former alliance mates. What will all this distabilization mean? Will the calls for an American offensive be awnsered? Will there be war in South America? I forgo the link to the Chile declared war to Argentina news as it keeps eating my article.

I can't help but think that these three power members will end up making a new alliance. Then wonder what their prerogatives will be. We've seen Hungary act against Austria and Indo in Malaysia. Wether or not Hungary's president survives impeachment will show us how strongly the citizens of Hungary feel about picking on their neighbors or leaving PEACE in the first place so maybe that is not in stone yet. It may take 10-30 days for MPPs to stop being renewed for maximum carnage, but I know I don't want to wait.

Within our own borders there are three events going on. Ireland has declared war, providing a well needed training war. Malaysia is cool and all, but they have their own problems with Indo recently. Apparently Indo does not take a hint after constant 2-3 million walls of defense. Next is that Congressional elections are once again upon us. So this article will be a drop in the sea of spam congressional platforms or endorsements. Maybe next month I'll try to run, any top 5 parties out there that think I would be a worthwhile candidate? Lastly but most awesomely is a new">SEAL recruitment drive.