Same old S**t

Day 3,557, 12:02 Published in USA USA by Dariuswolff

Some days you feel like Sisyphus, other days, you feel the same except that poor old Sisy is a dung beetle rolling the same old sh*t up the mountain. Such is today for me, on hump day with no humps in sight, so even if I'm feeling a little humpy, I am SOL. that is of course the same old sh*t only it being sh*t out of luck, and doubly so if I am feeling humpy in a humpy. So look it up already! There's a reason the song is titled "Me So Horny" and not "Me So Humpy".

Damn, I may have strayed from the point a little, the mind wanders off in strange directions as you grow older and memories are dim. Sometimes, you forget not only what you were going to say, but you say things that, even if they are the truth, might get you asked to leave polite company with the suggestion that, unless you're a contortionist in the red light district, is perhaps anatomically unlikely, if not down right impossible, except it isn't, I've seen pictures.

Where was I? Oh, yeah, I was saying that Wednesdays are my least productive day of the week. Interestingly, in the USA, before it became what it is today, everyone suggested that if you wanted to buy a new automobile, find out what day it was assembled, since you didn't want to risk buying anything made on a Monday or a Friday. The first because the workers were likely still hung over from the previous weekend, and the later because they were anticipating the upcoming weekend. Wednesday being the assured best day for the making of cars, or so the logic went. Me, I vote for the idea that Wednesday should be renamed the day of national complacency, and perhaps the best policy would be to shorten the work week and eliminate the loathsome day entirely.

OK, it looks like I am not going to be able to make my point, if ever I had one, or ever have one when writing these little missives, so, please, resume your day, with all of my blessings, or at least all those I can muster, and have a wonderful day.
