Rylde, a man of many talents.

Day 1,880, 02:56 Published in Canada Canada by Zianni Vaatez

Since I was bored I decided to play Chess with Rylde. (Since he was drunk I figured I could win.)

After he dominated me the first game I asked how many drinks he had.

[04:39] <&Rylde> no worries i'm on beer 10

We decided to play another.

After a grueling battle and all of my troops dead (And all of his sitting at the bar exchanging greetings) I decided to go on one last mission. To deliver my king to his side of the board, I'm proud to say I accomplished this mission and then shortly after died due to his Queen and Rook checkmating me.

Lost again.

I decided to leave it up to the Chess Gods and staked my dignity as a bet.

Lost in four turns.


I'm done. I am done with Chess.

MaryChan, I am never playing Chess again.

Time to bang my head against the wall and cry in the corner.