Russia's Chance to Reclaim Fail vs UK & Iran

Day 682, 13:31 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

I recommend that you read">this article before reading.

This is it. The moment you have all been waiting for. I have saved the best for last. Russia is taking on Iran and the UK, in a full out brawl of failures.

Is it suicide for Russia to even attempt such things? Probably.
Will everyone point and laugh at Russia when they inevitably fail at failing? Most Likely.

Well then, we may as well get on with it.

Task 5

The Challenge: Anything, as long as it is related to eRepublik.
The Competitors: Russia and Iran.

Iran’s fail recor😛 Failing at keeping hold of NWT and Yukon, declaring war on Canada but failing to attack within the 24 hours.

Iran’s Entry:

Russia’s Entry:

Now, normally Iran would easily win. But, since this was to be eRepublik related, Iran’s entry should’ve looked more like this.

I’m sorry Iran, but you have failed at failing.
Russia wins/fails again!

Final Task

The Challenge: Absolutely anything (except a UK flag)
The Competitors: Russia and the UK

UK’s fail recor😛 Oh boy, do you really want me to list all of these? Really? Fine, but you’d better brace yourselves for a wall of text…

Switched alliances (from Fortis/Eden to Peace), became nothing more than a puppet in the war, holding multiple regions of occupied Canada and loosing every single one of them to the resistance groups, just being a fail in general. They have, at one point or another, held Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, P.E.I., Nova Scotia, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. They now hold 0 of those.

There’s more I assure you, but I really don’t have the time to list all of them, and I’m not too keen on making that long a list of failures.

Just take my word for it; the UK is the definition of fail.

UK’s Entry:

Russia’s Entry:


UK, you epic fails, I made 1 rule for this challenge, and you go and break it.


Honestly UK, I give up, how on earth does Russia stand a %*@#! Chance when they have to take you down in a fail off! This is ridiculous! I hereby announce that Russia fails anyways, because having to beat the UK in a failoff is just PLAIN IMPOSSIBLE.

But in all seriousness, I am still awarding Russia with a fail. Why? Because, it’s the UK, you just can’t outfail them (except for Iran on occasion).

Since Russia has failed, a few Peace countries decided to take a family picture.

Well, that’s all for now. I hope you enjoyed seeing Russia reclaim it’s fail.


I have officially run out of ideas for great articles. If you have any then let me know, otherwise I'm done writing until I get another idea 😃