Russia's Chance to Reclaim Fail

Day 680, 17:31 Published in Canada Canada by Armour144

After the end of the Failympics (see">this article ) the Russians had failed at failing.
As I stated before,

“Unfortunately, because of their lack of fails, Russia has been kicked from PEACE for failing to fail enough. Not failing goes against all the PEACE stands for, and so they will not be able to participate in the next Failympics.”

Russia of course has protested this decision, and demands another chance to prove that it indeed can fail.

After a very long discussion, the entire Peace Assembly (Huns and Indo’s) had come to a decision.

“In order to retain your status as being Failworthy enough to be in Peace, you must participate in a Failoff against other Peace nations. If you fail to fail, you will be permanently banned from Peace.”

Russia graciously accepted the challenge.

1st Task

The Challenge: Create a sign with as much fail as possible.
The Competitors: Russia and Serbia.

Serbia’s Fail Recor😛 Pathetic PTO attempt in Denmark, which failed.

Serbia’s Entry

Russia’s Entry

Oh boy, this is a close one. I think we’ll have to go to Bob Barker on this one. Does Russia fail?

Congratulations Russia!
You have successfully failed your first task! But that was only Serbia, and they have only accomplished a few fails in their time.

2nd Task

The Challenge: Create as much fail as you can, which involves a toilet.
The Competitors: Russia and Columbia.

Columbia’s Fail Recor😛 Attempting to block the US, which failed miserably.

Columbia’s Entry:

Russia’s Entry:

Russia, that image is Racist, and Racism is fail.
Hence, you win!

Well, that is all we have time for today, as the Peace Judges (Huns and Indos) have run out of fail ideas, so they are calling on the world for their help.
Unfortunately, it takes time for the world to respond so the competition has ended for today.

See you tomorrow!

If you have any great fail competition ideas, send me a pm about them, and it might be included in a later article (with credit given to you).

Go ahead and read">Tasks 3 & 4 for more fails.