Run Hard, Finish First, Why to Vote DC for Louisiana

Day 521, 19:43 Published in USA USA by Dodgercatcher

Hey everyone,

I'm DC (Dodgercatcher) and if you don't know I'm running against ZSandmann in Louisiana. Now just by looking at us most people will choose Sandmann because he has more experience then me, but if you look past that you will see that we are much more evenly matched and that I have some finer points then him. Below are some reasons why:

Active: I am extremely active for those of you who don't know already. I'm on for at least 2 hours every day between here, the eUS forums, and irc, almost always at the same time. I try to read every topic and am always participating in conversations. One of my promises is that I will always try to vote on proposals and explain why.

A Frien😛 In my time on eRepublik I have made many friends with people from everywhere, doing everything. I am always willing to help out and have constantly answered the same question in one day while helping people. I try my best to help as much as possible and as congressman if you have any questions I will be glad to help even as far as giving you a loan or some food only asking for you to pass it on one day.

Fun: I'm not one of those uptight, stuffy, kinds of people. You can always find me doing something that is fun and just hanging out. I think that eRepublik is a game and should be treated so that we can have fun as long as we are doing it responsibly. Now that doesn't mean I can't be serious when I need to be, but I won't give you some big political speech with terms that you can't understand without using a thesaurus or dictionary. I also try to keep my speeches short and to the point, so you can move on with your eLife.

Fair: I am fair, that is the simple and straight-laced way of putting it. Just because my party (CvP) wants to do something, if I feel that the people of Louisiana would benefit better from it I will do that.

Successor: As Bienville's handpicked successor I feel that I am representing him and that I will do my best to live up to his expectations. I want to actually improve on his contributions by making articles announcing what I voted on, how I voted, and explain why. Also I want everybody in the state of Louisiana to participate in the State thread and participate in the polls I might conduct to see what the people want.

I also believe that Louisiana should stay Right-Wing party and not fall prey to the USWP's 52 state plan where they just took their biggest members and told them to go to this state because they are trying to sweep the rest of the parties out of Congress. With an USWP Prez and Congress many laws that wouldn't normally be passed might get through. Now I'm not saying that Scrabman is bad at all, in fact I think he is doing a fine job as President if you get rid of the party affiliations, but some of the others might not be that way. I say keep Louisiana Conservative, vote DC for Congress.