Review On KTTRS

Day 2,763, 16:07 Published in Germany Germany by Lochann
KTTRS- Dictator

With the take over of Lower Saxony and Bremen (My home region and previous capital) one may be led to speculate the competence of KTTRS. Some people may say that Fair Old Dictator is good but the facts state otherwise. His party name should already tell you Bad Party
The Bad Party,boasting 81 members, with a totalitarian agenda is the reason why Germany is so small, and its regions always under control. Also KTTRS proposed two Natural enemy ideas 3 days apart, first Poland and second Netherlands. Poland has declared war on us time and time again and with the repeated invasions of Poland its no wonder why they do this. Majic must be pretty upset. But thankfully we have elections coming up soon, in 8 days, we should try our best to get rid of KTTRS. Please consider Mafius751 with support from Alternative f. Deutschland as President.